Executable Specification

[View mallf.sig] [View mallf.mod]
sig mallf.

kind atm type.

type a, b, c, d, e, f atm.

kind pf, nf  type.

type atom  atm -> pf.
type tens  pf -> pf -> pf.
type one   pf.
type oplus pf -> pf -> pf.
type zero  pf.
type fex   (atm -> pf) -> pf.
type shp   nf -> pf.

type natom atm -> nf.
type par   nf -> nf -> nf.
type bot   nf.
type with  nf -> nf -> nf.
type top   nf.
type fall  (atm -> nf) -> nf.
type shn   pf -> nf.

type dual  pf -> nf -> o.

kind foc type.
type fatom  atm -> foc.
type fshift nf -> foc.
type fjoin  foc -> foc -> foc.
type femp   foc.

module mallf.

dual (atom A) (natom A).
dual (tens P Q) (par M N) :- dual P M, dual Q N.
dual one bot.
dual (oplus P Q) (with M N) :- dual P M, dual Q N.
dual zero top.
dual (fex P) (fall N) :- pi x\ dual (P x) (N x).
dual (shp N) (shn P) :- dual P N.


[View mallf.thm]

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Specification "mallf".

Type $pf pf -> o.
Type $natom atm -> o.
Define is_fm : o -> prop by
; is_fm ($pf P) := exists N, {dual P N}
; is_fm ($natom A).

Import "../../lib/merge" with is_o := is_fm. [View ../../lib/merge]

Theorem $dual_det :
  (forall P1 P2 N, {dual P1 N} -> {dual P2 N} -> P1 = P2)
  (forall P N1 N2, {dual P N1} -> {dual P N2} -> N1 = N2).

Split $dual_det as dual_det_1, dual_det_2.

%% Context extensions based on focusing patterns

Define subf : foc -> pf -> prop by
; subf (fatom A) (atom A)
; subf (fshift N) (shp N) := exists P, {dual P N}
; subf (fjoin F1 F2) (tens P Q) := subf F1 P /\ subf F2 Q
; subf F (oplus P Q) := subf F P
; subf F (oplus P Q) := subf F Q
; nabla x, subf (F x) (fex P) := nabla x, subf (F x) (P x)
; subf femp one

Define extension : foc -> olist -> prop by
; extension (fatom A) ($natom A :: nil) := is_fm ($pf (atom A))
; extension (fshift N)($pf P :: nil) := {dual P N} /\ is_fm ($pf P)
; extension (fjoin F1 F2) L :=
    exists L1 L2,
      extension F1 L1 /\
      extension F2 L2 /\
      merge L1 L2 L
; extension femp nil.

Theorem extension_is : forall F L, extension F L -> is_list L.

Theorem extension_exists : forall F P,
  subf F P -> exists L, extension F L.

Theorem extension_det : forall F L1 L2,
  extension F L1 -> extension F L2 -> perm L1 L2.

%% Synthetic MALL

  mall : olist -> prop,
  mallfoc : olist -> foc -> prop
; mall L :=
    exists P LL, adj LL ($pf P) L /\
    exists F, subf F P /\
    mallfoc LL F

; mallfoc ($natom A :: nil) (fatom A)

; mallfoc L (fshift N) :=
    is_list L /\
    exists P, {dual P N} /\
    forall F, subf F P ->
    exists LE, extension F LE /\
    exists LL, merge L LE LL /\
    mall LL

; mallfoc L (fjoin F1 F2) :=
    exists J K, merge J K L /\
    mallfoc J F1 /\ mallfoc K F2

; mallfoc nil femp.

%% inversion

Theorem $mall_is :
  (forall L, mall L -> is_list L)
  (forall L F, mallfoc L F -> is_list L /\ exists P, is_fm ($pf P) /\ subf F P).

Split $mall_is as mall_is, mallfoc_is.

%% Generalized identity

Theorem gid_lemma : forall P N F L,
  {dual P N} -> subf F P -> extension F L ->
  mallfoc L F.

Theorem gid : forall P N, {dual P N} -> mall ($pf P :: $pf (shp N) :: nil).

%% Permutations

Theorem mallfoc_perm : forall J F K,
  mallfoc J F -> perm J K -> mallfoc K F.

Theorem mall_perm : forall J K,
  mall J -> perm J K -> mall K.

%% Full cut-elimination

Theorem $cut :
  (forall P N J JP K L,
    {dual P N} ->
    adj J ($pf P) JP -> mall JP ->
    (forall F KE KN,
     subf F P -> extension F KE -> merge K KE KN ->
     mall KN) ->
    merge J K L ->
    mall L)
  (forall P N F J K KE KN L,
    {dual P N} ->
    subf F P -> mallfoc J F ->
    extension F KE -> merge K KE KN -> mall KN ->
    merge J K L ->
    mall L)
  (forall P N F J JP K L,
    {dual P N} ->
    adj J ($pf P) JP -> mallfoc JP F ->
    (forall F KE KN,
     subf F P -> extension F KE -> merge K KE KN ->
     mall KN) ->
    merge J K L ->
    mallfoc L F).
IHrank1 : induction on 1 1 1. IHht1 : induction on 3 3 3. %abbrev IHrank1 IHrank2 IHrank3 IHht1 IHht2 IHht3 "...". split. intros Hdual Hadj Hpos Hneg Hjk. Hpos1 : case Hpos. Hdiff : apply adj_same_result_diff_both to *Hadj *Hpos1. Hdiff1 : case Hdiff. Hex : apply extension_exists to Hpos2. Ht1 : apply merge_2_is_list to Hjk. Ht2 : apply extension_is to Hex. Hmr : apply merge_exists to *Ht1 *Ht2. Hn : apply *Hneg to Hpos2 Hex Hmr. Hperm : apply perm_merge_1 to *Hjk *Hdiff1. backchain IHht2. Hmr1 : apply merge_unadj_1 to *Hjk *Hdiff1. Hp1 : apply perm_merge_1 to *Hmr2 *Hdiff3. apply IHht3 to *Hdual *Hdiff2 *Hpos3 *Hneg *Hp1. search. intros Hdual Hsubf Hpos Hex Hexmr Hneg Hmr. Hdual1 : case Hdual. case Hsubf. case Hpos. case Hex. Hmr : apply merge_sym to *Hmr. apply merge_perm_det to *Hexmr *Hmr. backchain mall_perm. Hsubf1 : case Hsubf. Hpos : case Hpos. Hex1 : case Hex. rename Hex3 to Hex. Hn : assert 0 exists U, merge K L2 U /\ merge U L3 KN. apply merge_2_is_list to Hmr. apply merge_1_is_list to Hex. apply merge_exists to *H1 *H2. witness L1. split. search. backchain change_merge_order2. Hmr1 : case Hn. Hn : assert 0 exists V, merge K1 U V. backchain merge_exists. backchain merge_2_is_list. backchain merge_1_is_list. Hmr1 : case Hn. Hneg : apply IHrank2 to *Hdual2 *Hsubf2 *Hpos2 *Hex2 Hmr2 *Hneg Hmr3. Hn : assert 0 exists W, merge K1 K W /\ merge J1 W L. Hl1 : apply merge_2_is_list to Hpos. Hl1 : apply merge_1_is_list to Hmr1. Hn : apply merge_exists to *Hl1 *Hl2. witness L1. split. search. backchain change_merge_order. Hmr1 : case Hn. Hmr1 : assert 0 merge W L2 V. backchain change_merge_order2. Hneg : apply IHrank2 to *Hdual1 *Hsubf1 *Hpos1 *Hex1 Hmr6 *Hneg Hmr5. search. case Hsubf. case Hpos. case Hex. Hexmr : apply merge_sym to *Hexmr. Hp : apply merge_nil_perm to *Hmr. Hmr : apply perm_merge_2 to *Hexmr *Hp. Hp : apply merge_nil_perm to *Hmr. Hp : apply perm_sym to *Hp. backchain mall_perm. Hsubf : case Hsubf. backchain IHrank2. backchain IHrank2 with P = Q. case Hsubf. Hsubf : case Hsubf. permute (n1 n2) Hdual1. permute (n1 n2) Hsubf. apply IHrank2 to *Hdual1 *Hsubf *Hpos *Hex *Hexmr *Hneg *Hmr. search. Hsubf : case Hsubf. Hpos : case Hpos. Hex : case Hex. apply dual_det_1 to *Hsubf Hdual1. apply dual_det_1 to *Hpos1 Hdual1. apply dual_det_1 to *Hex Hdual1. Hadj : assert 0 exists U, adj K ($pf P1) U /\ perm KN U. Hn1 : apply merge_unadj_2 to Hexmr _. Hn1 : apply merge_sym to *Hn2. Hp : apply merge_nil_perm to *Hn2. Hp : apply perm_sym to *Hp. Hp : apply adj_perm_source to *Hp *Hn1. search. Hadj : case Hadj. Hneg : apply mall_perm to *Hneg *Hadj1. Hmr : apply merge_sym to *Hmr. Hfa : assert forall F KE KN, subf F P1 -> extension F KE -> merge J KE KN -> mall KN. intros Hsubf Hex Hmr. Hpos1 : apply *Hpos2 to *Hsubf. Hp : apply extension_det to *Hex *Hpos1. Hmr1 : apply perm_merge_2 to *Hmr1 *Hp. Hp : apply merge_perm_det to *Hpos2 *Hmr1. clear Hneg. backchain mall_perm. apply IHrank1 to *Hdual1 *Hadj *Hneg *Hfa *Hmr. search. intros Hdual Hadj Hpos Hneg Hmr. Hpos : case Hpos. Hadj : case Hadj. case Hadj1. unfold 3. backchain merge_3_is_list. witness P1. split. search. intros Hsubf. Hpos1 : apply *Hpos2 to *Hsubf. witness LE. split. search. Hpos1 : apply merge_unadj_1 to *Hpos3 *Hadj. Hn : assert 0 exists U, merge LL1 K U. backchain merge_exists. backchain merge_3_is_list. backchain merge_2_is_list. Hmr1 : case Hn. apply IHht1 to *Hdual *Hpos3 *Hpos4 *Hneg Hmr1. witness U. split. Hmr : apply merge_sym to *Hmr. Hmr1 : apply merge_sym to *Hmr1. backchain change_merge_order2. search. Hadj1 : apply merge_unadj_3 to *Hpos *Hadj. Hadj1 : case Hadj1. Hn : assert 0 exists U, merge JJ K U. backchain merge_exists. backchain merge_1_is_list. backchain merge_2_is_list. Hmr1 : case Hn. apply IHht3 to *Hdual *Hadj1 *Hpos1 *Hneg Hmr1. assert merge U K1 L. Hmr1 : apply merge_sym to *Hmr1. apply merge_sym to *Hmr. backchain change_merge_order2. search. Hn : assert exists U, merge KK K U. backchain merge_exists. backchain merge_2_is_list. backchain merge_2_is_list. Hmr1 : case Hn. apply IHht3 to *Hdual *Hadj1 *Hpos2 *Hneg Hmr1. assert merge J1 U L. backchain change_merge_order. search. case Hadj.
Split $cut as cut_main, cut_principal, cut_commutative.