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%%                                    %%
%%       MALL specification in        %%
%%       Abella (.thm)                %%
%%                                    %%

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Type a, b, c, d                o.
Type tensor, par, plus, with   o -> o -> o.
Type one, bot, zero, top       o.
Type not, atom                 o -> o.

Define formula : o -> prop by
  formula (tensor A B) := formula A /\ formula B ;
  formula (plus A B) := formula A /\ formula B ;
  formula (with A B) := formula A /\ formula B ;
  formula (par A B) := formula A /\ formula B ;
  formula (zero) ; 
  formula (one) ; 
  formula (bot) ;
  formula (top) ; 
  formula (atom A).

Import "../lib/merge" with is_o := formula. [View ../lib/merge]

Define prove : olist -> olist -> prop by
  % 1. Identity
  prove G D := exists A, adj nil (atom A) G /\ adj nil (atom A) D ;

  % Multiplicative rules
  % 2. oneR
  prove G D := G = nil /\ adj nil one D ;
  % 3. oneL
  prove G D := exists G', adj G' one G /\ prove G' D ;
  % 4. tensorL
  prove G D := exists A B G' G1 G2, 
    adj G' (tensor A B) G /\ adj G2 A G1 /\ adj G' B G2 /\ prove G1 D ;
  % 5. tensorR
  prove G D := exists A B D' D1 D2 D1' D2' G1 G2, 
    adj D' (tensor A B) D /\ merge D1' D2' D' /\ merge G1 G2 G /\ 
    adj D1' A D1 /\ adj D2' B D2 /\ prove G1 D1 /\ prove G2 D2 ;
  % 6. botL
  prove G D := D = nil /\ adj nil bot G ;
  % 7. botR
  prove G D := exists D', adj D' bot D /\ prove G D' ;
  % 8. parR
  prove G D := exists A B D' D1 D2, 
    adj D' (par A B) D /\ adj D2 A D1 /\ adj D' B D2 /\ prove G D1 ;
  % 9. parL
  prove G D := exists A B G' G1 G2 G1' G2' D1 D2, 
    adj G' (par A B) G /\ merge G1' G2' G' /\ merge D1 D2 D /\ adj G1' A G1 /\ 
    adj G2' B G2 /\ prove G1 D1 /\ prove G2 D2 ;

  % Additive rules
  % 10. zeroL
  prove G D := exists G', adj G' zero G /\ is_list D ;
  % 11. topR
  prove G D := exists D', adj D' top D /\ is_list G ;
  % 12. withL1
  prove G D := exists A B G' G1, 
    adj G' (with A B) G /\ adj G' A G1 /\ prove G1 D ; 
  % 13. withL2
  prove G D := exists A B G' G1, 
    adj G' (with A B) G /\ adj G' B G1 /\ prove G1 D ;
  % 14. withR
  prove G D := exists A B D' D2' D1 D2 G1 G2,
    adj D' (with A B) D /\ adj D' A D1 /\ adj D2' B D2 /\ prove G1 D1 /\ prove G2 D2 /\
    perm D2' D' /\ perm G1 G /\ perm G2 G ;
  % 15. plusR1
  prove G D := exists A B D' D1, 
    adj D' (plus A B) D /\ adj D' A D1 /\ prove G D1 ;
  % 16. plusR2
  prove G D := exists A B D' D1, 
    adj D' (plus A B) D /\ adj D' B D1 /\ prove G D1 ;
  % 17. plusL
  prove G D := exists A B G' G2' G1 G2 D1 D2, 
    adj G' (plus A B) G /\ adj G' A G1 /\ adj G2' B G2 /\ prove G1 D1 /\ prove G2 D2 /\
    perm G2' G' /\ perm D1 D /\ perm D2 D.

Theorem prove_is_list : forall G D,
  prove G D -> is_list G /\ is_list D.

Theorem perm_merge_1_nil : forall L L',
  perm L L' -> merge nil L L'.

Theorem perm_merge_2_nil : forall L L',
  perm L L' -> merge L nil L'.

Theorem list_merge_1 : forall L,
  is_list L -> merge L nil L.

Theorem list_merge_2 : forall L,
  is_list L -> merge nil L L.

%% Reasoning

Theorem cut_admissibility : forall C G1 D1 D1' G2 G2' D2,
  formula C ->
  prove G1 D1 -> prove G2 D2 ->
  adj D1' C D1 -> adj G2' C G2 ->
  exists G3 D3,
  merge G2' G1 G3 /\ merge D2 D1' D3 /\ 
  prove G3 D3.
induction on 1. induction on 2. induction on 3. intros. % Induction on the size of the cut-formula case H1 (keep). % Unfolds the induction on the left premise (cut-formula in the succedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the left premise. %% 1. Tensor case case H2 (keep). % init case -- invalid (contexts need to be empty) case H9. case H4. case H13. % oneR case -- invalid (contexts need to be empty) case H8. case H4. case H12. % oneL case -- permutes down apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H10. search. % tensorL case -- permutes down apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H12 H9. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H10. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H18. search. % tensorR case -- principal or permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H15. % 1. the cut-formula is principal % Unfolds the right premise (cut-formula in the antecedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the right premise case H3 (keep). % init case -- invalid (context needs to be empty) case H17. case H5. case H22. % oneR case -- invalid (context needs to be empty) case H5. % oneL case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H17. case H19. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H18 H4 H20. apply adj_swap to H20 H17. apply add_to_merge_left to H24 H21. apply adj_same_result to H5 H25. apply perm_sym to H28. apply perm_merge_1 to H26 H29. search. % tensorL case -- principal or permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H17. case H21. % 1. the cut formula is principal -- reduce complexity. apply IH to H6 H13 H20 H11 H18. % cut on A apply merge_unadj_1 to H23 H19. apply IH to H7 H14 H25 H12 H26. % cut on B exists G8. exists D6. split. % merge antecedents apply change_merge_order to H28 H27 H10. apply perm_sym to H22. apply perm_merge_1 to H31 H32. search. % merge succedents apply change_merge_order to H29 H24 H9. apply perm_sym to H16. apply perm_merge_2 to H31 H32. search. % prove conclusion. search. % 2. the tensorL is applied to another formula -- permutes down apply adj_swap to H22 H19. apply adj_swap to H24 H18. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H27 H25. apply merge_unadj_1 to H31 H23. apply adj_swap to H22 H17. apply add_to_merge_left to H34 H33. exists M. exists D5. split. % merge antecedents apply adj_same_result to H35 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H36 H38. search. % merge succedents search. % prove conclusion search. % tensorR case -- permutes down apply merge_unadj_3 to H19 H5. case H24. % 1. cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H22 H4 H25. apply merge_unadj_1 to H28 H20. apply adj_1_is_list to H30. apply adj_1_is_list to H21. apply merge_exists to H32 H33. apply merge_3_is_list to H27. apply merge_2_is_list to H26. apply merge_exists to H35 H36. apply adj_2_is_o to H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H34. apply adj_exists to H38 H39. exists L1. exists M. split. % merge antecedents apply merge_sym to *H27. apply change_merge_order to H37 H41 H26. apply merge_sym to *H42. search. % merge succedents apply merge_sym to *H31. apply change_merge_order to H34 H41 H18. apply merge_sym to *H42. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H43. search. % prove conclusion search. % 2. cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H23 H4 H25. apply merge_unadj_1 to H28 H21. apply adj_1_is_list to H30. apply adj_1_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to H33 H32. apply merge_3_is_list to H27. apply merge_1_is_list to H26. apply merge_exists to H36 H35. apply adj_2_is_o to H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H34. apply adj_exists to H38 H39. exists L1. exists M. split. % merge antecedents apply merge_sym to *H37. apply merge_sym to *H27. apply merge_sym to *H26. apply change_merge_order to H41 H42 H43. apply merge_sym to *H44. search. % merge succedents apply merge_sym to *H34. apply merge_sym to *H18. apply merge_sym to *H31. apply change_merge_order to H41 H43 H42. apply merge_sym to *H44. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H45. search. % prove conclusion search. % botL case -- permutes down case H17. case H5. case H21. % botR case -- permutes down apply IH2 to H1 H2 H18 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H20. search. % parR case -- permutes down apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H19. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H27. search. % parL case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H17. case H24. apply merge_unadj_3 to H18 H25. case H26. % 1. the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL. apply adj_swap to H27 H20. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H22 H4 H30. apply merge_unadj_1 to H31 H29. apply merge_3_is_list to H35. apply merge_2_is_list to H18. apply merge_exists to *H36 *H37. apply merge_3_is_list to H32. apply merge_2_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H39 *H40. apply adj_2_is_o to H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H38. apply adj_exists to H42 H43. exists M. exists L1. split. % merge antecedents apply merge_sym to *H35. apply change_merge_order to H38 H45 H28. apply merge_sym to *H46. apply adj_swap to H25 H17. apply add_to_merge_left to H48 H47. apply adj_same_result to H5 H49. apply perm_sym to *H52. apply perm_merge_1 to H50 H53. apply adj_same_source to H44 H51. apply perm_sym to *H55. apply perm_merge_3 to H54 H56. search. % merge succedents apply merge_sym to *H32. apply change_merge_order to *H41 *H45 *H19. apply merge_sym to *H46. search. % prove conclusion search. % 2. the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL. apply adj_swap to H27 H21. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H23 H4 H30. apply merge_unadj_1 to H31 H29. apply merge_3_is_list to H35. apply merge_1_is_list to H18. apply merge_exists to *H36 *H37. apply merge_3_is_list to H32. apply merge_1_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H39 *H40. apply adj_2_is_o to H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H38. apply adj_exists to H42 H43. exists M. exists L1. split. % merge antecedents apply merge_sym to H35. apply merge_sym to H28. apply change_merge_order to H38 H45 H46. apply adj_swap to H25 H17. apply add_to_merge_right to H48 H47. apply adj_same_result to H5 H49. apply perm_sym to H52. apply perm_merge_2 to H50 H53. apply merge_sym to H54. apply adj_same_source to H44 H51. apply perm_sym to H56. apply perm_merge_3 to H55 H57. search. % merge succedents apply merge_sym to H32. apply merge_sym to H19. apply change_merge_order to H41 H45 H46. apply merge_sym to H47. search. % prove conclusion apply merge_sym to *H38. apply merge_sym to *H41. search. % zeroL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H17 H5. case H19. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to H18 H21. apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to H23 H24. apply merge_unadj_1 to H26 H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to H19 H20. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply adj_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_exists to H24 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. search. % withL1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H17. case H20. apply adj_swap to H21 H18. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H22. apply adj_swap to H21 H17. apply add_to_merge_left to H29 H28. apply adj_same_result to H5 H30. apply perm_sym to *H33. apply perm_merge_1 to H31 H34. search. % withL2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H17. case H20. apply adj_swap to H21 H18. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H22. apply adj_swap to H21 H17. apply add_to_merge_left to H29 H28. apply adj_same_result to H5 H30. apply perm_sym to *H33. apply perm_merge_1 to H31 H34. search. % withR case rename D'1 to D5'. rename D2'1 to D6'. % 1. Create left premise of withR apply perm_sym to *H23. apply adj_perm_result to H25 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H29 H18. % 2. Create right premise of withR apply perm_sym to *H24. apply adj_perm_result to H33 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H21 H4 H34. apply merge_unadj_1 to H37 H19. % 3. Relate antecedents apply perm_sym to *H27. apply perm_merge_1 to H28 H41. apply perm_sym to *H35. apply perm_merge_1 to H36 H43. apply merge_perm_det to H44 H42. apply perm_2_is_list to H45. apply perm_refl to *H46. % 4. Relate succecedents apply perm_merge_1 to H40 H22. apply merge_perm_det to H48 H32. apply perm_2_is_list to H49. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H32. % 5. prove conclusion exists G8. exists M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A2, B2, LL, LL1, D7, D8, G7, G8. split. search. search. search. search. search. search. apply perm_sym to H45. search. apply perm_1_is_list to H45. apply perm_refl to H53. search. % plusR1 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H18. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H24. search. % plusR2 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H18. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H24. search. % plusL case rename G' to G5'. rename G2'1 to G6'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H17. case H25. % 1. Create left premise of withR apply adj_swap to H26 H18. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H28. apply merge_unadj_1 to H29 H27. % 2. Create right premise of withR apply perm_sym to *H22. apply adj_perm_result to H34 H26. apply adj_swap to H35 H19. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H21 H4 H38. apply merge_unadj_1 to H39 H37. % 3. Relate antecedents apply perm_merge_1 to H33 H36. apply merge_perm_det to H43 H44. apply adj_swap to H26 H17. apply add_to_merge_left to H46 H33. apply adj_same_result to H47 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H48 H50. % 4. Relate succedents apply perm_merge_1 to H30 H23. apply perm_merge_1 to H40 H24. apply merge_perm_det to H53 H52. apply perm_2_is_list to H54. apply perm_refl to *H55. % 5. Prove conclusion exists M. exists D8. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A2, B2, LL, LL1, G7, G8, D7, D8. split. search. search. search. search. search. search. apply perm_sym to H54. search. apply perm_1_is_list to H54. apply perm_refl to *H57. search. % 2. the tensorR is applied to another formula -- permutes down apply merge_unadj_3 to H9 H16. case H17. % 1. cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H18 H11. apply IH1 to H1 H13 H3 H21 H5. % cut with left branch of tensor apply merge_unadj_2 to H23 H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H26. apply merge_2_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to H27 H28. apply merge_3_is_list to H29. apply adj_2_is_o to H8. apply adj_exists to H31 H30. apply merge_2_is_list to H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_exists to H34 H33. exists L1. exists M. split. % merge of antecedents apply change_merge_order to H35 H22 H10. search. % merge of succeedents apply change_merge_order to H29 H26 H19. apply adj_implies_merge to H4. apply adj_implies_merge to H8. apply adj_implies_merge to H16. apply merge_sub to H39 H38 H37. apply adj_implies_merge to H32. apply change_merge_order to H41 H36 H40. search. % provability of conclusion unfold 5. search. % 2. cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H18 H12. apply IH1 to H1 H14 H3 H21 H5. % cut with the right branch of tensor apply merge_unadj_2 to H23 H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H26. apply merge_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to H28 H27. apply merge_3_is_list to H29. apply adj_2_is_o to H8. apply adj_exists to H31 H30. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_exists to H34 H33. exists L1. exists M. split. % merge of antecedents apply merge_sym to H10. apply change_merge_order to H35 H22 H36. search. % merge of succedents apply merge_sym to H29. apply merge_sym to H19. apply change_merge_order to H36 H26 H37. apply adj_implies_merge to H4. apply adj_implies_merge to H8. apply adj_implies_merge to H16. apply merge_sub to H41 H40 H39. apply adj_implies_merge to H32. apply change_merge_order to H43 H38 H42. search. % provability of conclusion apply merge_sym to H35. unfold 5. search. % botL case -- invalid (contexts need to be empty) case H4. % botR case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H10. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H11 H5. apply adj_swap to H11 H8. apply adj_same_result to H4 H16. apply add_to_merge_right to H15 H13. exists G3. exists M. split. search. apply perm_sym to H17. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H20. search. search. % parR case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H12. apply adj_swap to H13 H10. apply adj_swap to H15 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H22 H14. apply adj_swap to H13 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H25 H24. apply adj_same_result to H4 H26. apply perm_sym to *H29. apply perm_merge_2 to H27 H30. search. % parL case apply merge_unadj_3 to H10 H4. case H15. % 1. cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H13 H3 H16 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H18 H11. apply adj_1_is_list to H21. apply adj_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to H23 H24. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_2_is_list to H17. apply merge_exists to H26 H27. apply change_merge_order to H25 H22 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H29. apply change_merge_order to H28 H19 H17. search. % 2. cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H14 H3 H16 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H18 H12. apply adj_1_is_list to H21. apply adj_1_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to H23 H24. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to H26 H27. apply merge_sym to *H9. apply change_merge_order to H25 H22 H29. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H30. apply merge_sym to *H17. apply change_merge_order to H28 H19 H33. apply merge_sym to *H25. apply merge_sym to *H28. exists M. exists L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A1, B1, L, G3, G5, G1', LL, D3, D5. split. search. search. search. search. search. search. search. % zeroL case apply adj_3_is_list to H8. apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to H11 H10. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to H14 H15. apply merge_unadj_2 to H12 H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H16. search. % topR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H8 H4. case H10. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply merge_exists to *H14 *H12. apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to H16 H9. apply merge_unadj_2 to H15 H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. search. % withL1 case -- permutes down apply IH1 to *H1 *H10 *H3 *H4 *H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H11 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H15. search. % withL2 case -- permutes down apply IH1 to *H1 *H10 *H3 *H4 *H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H11 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H15. search. % withR case rename D2' to D4'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H16. apply adj_swap to H17 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply perm_sym to *H13. apply adj_perm_result to H25 H17. apply adj_swap to H26 H10. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H29 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H31 H28. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H14. apply perm_merge_2 to H30 H15. apply merge_perm_det to H36 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H37. apply perm_refl to *H38. apply perm_merge_2 to H24 H27. apply merge_perm_det to H34 H40. apply adj_swap to H17 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H42 H24. apply adj_same_result to H43 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H44 H46. exists G6. exists M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A1, B1, LL, LL1, D5, D6, G5, G6. split. search. search. search. search. search. search. apply perm_sym to H37. search. apply perm_1_is_list to H37. apply perm_refl to *H48. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H11. apply adj_swap to H12 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H13. apply adj_swap to H12 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H20 H19. apply adj_same_result to H21 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H24. search. % plusR2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H11. apply adj_swap to H12 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H13. apply adj_swap to H12 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H20 H19. apply adj_same_result to H21 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H24. search. % plusL case -- permutes down (there are two cuts on the permutation) rename G2'1 to G4'. apply perm_sym to H14. apply adj_perm_result to H16 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H9. apply perm_sym to H15. apply adj_perm_result to H24 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H25 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H27 H10. apply perm_merge_2 to H31 H13. apply merge_perm_det to H32 H23. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H23. apply perm_sym to *H18. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H36. apply perm_sym to *H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H28 H38. apply merge_perm_det to H39 H37. apply perm_2_is_list to H40. apply perm_refl to *H41. exists M. exists D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A1, B1, LL, LL1, G5, G6, D5, D6. search. %% 2. Plus case case H2 (keep). % init case case H9. case H4. case H13. % oneR case case H8. case H4. case H12. % oneL case apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H10. search. % tensorL case apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H12 H9. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H10. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H18. search. % tensorR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H15. apply merge_unadj_3 to H9 H16. case H17. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply adj_swap to H18 H11. apply IH1 to H1 H13 H3 H21 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H23 H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_2_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H27 *H28. apply change_merge_order to H29 H22 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H26. apply adj_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H31 *H32. apply change_merge_order to H33 H26 H19. apply adj_swap to H16 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H37 H39. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply adj_swap to H18 H12. apply IH1 to H1 H14 H3 H21 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H23 H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to H27 H28. apply merge_sym to H29. apply merge_sym to H10. apply change_merge_order to H29 H22 H31. apply merge_3_is_list to H26. apply merge_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to H33 H34. apply merge_sym to H35. apply merge_sym to H19. apply change_merge_order to H35 H26 H37. apply adj_swap to H16 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H39 H38. apply adj_same_result to H40 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H41 H43. exists L. exists M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A1, B1, L1, D3, D5, D1'1, LL, G3, G5. search. % botL case case H4. % botR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H10. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H11 H5. apply adj_swap to H11 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H15 H13. apply adj_same_result to H16 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H17 H19. search. % parR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H12. apply adj_swap to H13 H10. apply adj_swap to H15 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H22 H14. apply adj_swap to H13 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H25 H24. apply adj_same_result to H26 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H27 H29. search. % parL case apply merge_unadj_3 to H10 H4. case H15. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL apply IH1 to H1 H13 H3 H16 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H18 H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_2_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to *H23 *H24. apply change_merge_order to H25 H22 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H26. apply merge_2_is_list to H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H30 *H29. apply change_merge_order to H31 H19 H17. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL apply IH1 to H1 H14 H3 H16 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H18 H12. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to *H23 *H24. apply merge_sym to H25. apply merge_sym to H9. apply change_merge_order to H25 H22 H27. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H28. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H31. apply merge_sym to H33. apply merge_sym to H17. apply change_merge_order to H33 H19 H35. exists M. exists L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A1, B1, L, G3, G5, G1', LL, D3, D5. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_3_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H10 *H11. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H14 *H15. apply merge_3_is_list to H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H12 H8. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H10 *H9. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H13 *H14. apply adj_same_result_diff to H8 H4. case H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H15 H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H11. search. % withL1 case apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H11 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H15. search. % withL2 case apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H11 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H15. search. % withR case rename D2' to D4'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H16. apply adj_swap to H17 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply perm_sym to *H13. apply adj_perm_result to H25 H17. apply adj_swap to H26 H10. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H29 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H31 H28. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H14. apply perm_merge_2 to H30 H15. apply merge_perm_det to H36 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H37. apply perm_refl to *H38. apply perm_merge_2 to H24 H27. apply merge_perm_det to H34 H40. apply adj_swap to H17 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H42 H24. apply adj_same_result to H43 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H44 H46. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A1, B1, LL, LL1, D5, D6, G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H11. % 1. the cut-formula is principal % Unfolds the right premise (cut-formula in the antecedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the right premise case H3 (keep). % init case case H13. case H5. case H18. % oneR case case H13. case H5. % oneL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H15. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H16. apply adj_swap to H16 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H20 H17. apply adj_same_result to H21 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H22 H24. search. % tensorL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H17. apply adj_swap to H18 H15. apply adj_swap to H20 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H23 H21. apply merge_unadj_1 to H27 H19. apply adj_swap to H18 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H30 H29. apply adj_same_result to H31 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H32 H34. search. % tensorR case apply merge_unadj_3 to H15 H5. case H20. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H18 H4 H21. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H16. apply merge_3_is_list to H23. apply merge_2_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H28 *H29. apply merge_2_is_list to H14. apply merge_3_is_list to H27. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H31. apply merge_sym to *H23. apply change_merge_order to H30 H34 H22. apply merge_sym to *H35. apply merge_sym to *H27. apply change_merge_order to H33 H37 H14. apply add_to_merge_right to H13 H38. apply merge_sym to H39. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H21. rename G3 to G6. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H23. apply merge_1_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H28 *H29. apply merge_sym to H30. apply merge_1_is_list to H14. apply merge_3_is_list to H27. apply merge_exists to *H33 *H32. apply merge_sym to H34. apply merge_sym to H27. apply merge_sym to H14. apply change_merge_order to H34 H36 H37. apply add_to_merge_right to H13 H38. apply merge_sym to *H39. apply merge_sym to *H23. apply merge_sym to *H22. apply change_merge_order to H30 H42 H43. apply merge_sym to *H44. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A2, B2, L1, D4, D6, D1'1, LL, G6, G5. search. % botL case case H13. case H5. case H17. % botR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H16. search. % parR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H14. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H15. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H23. search. % parL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H20. apply merge_unadj_3 to H14 H21. case H22. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL apply adj_swap to H23 H16. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H18 H4 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H27 H25. apply merge_3_is_list to H31. apply merge_2_is_list to H14. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H33. apply merge_sym to H34. apply merge_sym to H31. apply change_merge_order to H34 H36 H24. apply adj_swap to H21 H13. apply add_to_merge_right to H38 H37. apply adj_same_result to H39 H5. apply perm_merge_2 to H40 H42. apply merge_sym to H43. apply merge_2_is_list to H15. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_exists to *H45 *H46. apply merge_sym to H47. apply merge_sym to H28. apply change_merge_order to H48 H49 H15. apply merge_sym to H50. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL apply adj_swap to H23 H17. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H27 H25. apply merge_3_is_list to H31. apply merge_1_is_list to H14. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H33. apply merge_sym to H34. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to H24. apply change_merge_order to H34 H36 H37. apply merge_sym to H38. apply adj_swap to H21 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H40 H39. apply adj_same_result to H41 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H42 H44. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_1_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H46 *H47. apply merge_sym to H28. apply merge_sym to H15. apply change_merge_order to H48 H49 H50. apply merge_sym to H51. apply merge_sym to H48. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A2, B2, L. exists G3, G5. exists G1', LL. exists D4, D6. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to *H15 *H16. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H14 *H19. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply adj_same_result_diff to H13 H5. case H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H23. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to *H15 *H16. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply adj_3_is_list to H13. apply merge_3_is_list to H18. apply merge_exists to *H19 *H20. apply merge_sym to *H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H23 H13. search. % withL1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H16. apply adj_swap to H17 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H20 H18. apply adj_swap to H17 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H25 H24. apply adj_same_result to H26 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H27 H29. search. % withL2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H16. apply adj_swap to H17 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H20 H18. apply adj_swap to H17 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H25 H24. apply adj_same_result to H26 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H27 H29. search. % withR case rename D2' to D5'. apply perm_sym to *H19. apply adj_perm_result to H21 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H14. apply perm_sym to *H20. apply adj_perm_result to H29 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H17 H4 H30. apply merge_unadj_1 to H33 H15. apply perm_sym to *H23. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H37. apply perm_sym to *H31. apply perm_merge_1 to H32 H39. apply merge_perm_det to H40 H38. apply perm_2_is_list to H41. apply perm_refl to *H42. apply perm_merge_1 to H36 H18. apply merge_perm_det to H44 H28. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H28. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A2, B2, LL. exists LL1, D6, D7. search. % plusR1 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H20. search. % plusR2 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H20. search. % plusL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H21. % 1. The cut-formula is principal apply IH to H6 H10 H16 H9 H14. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H19. apply perm_sym to *H12. apply perm_merge_2 to H26 H27. apply perm_sym to *H22. apply perm_merge_1 to H23 H29. search. % 2. The cut-formula is not principal apply adj_swap to H22 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H24. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H23. apply perm_sym to *H18. apply adj_perm_result to H30 H22. apply adj_swap to H31 H15. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H17 H4 H34. apply merge_unadj_1 to H35 H33. apply perm_merge_1 to H29 H32. apply merge_perm_det to H39 H40. apply adj_swap to H22 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H42 H29. apply adj_same_result to H43 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H44 H46. apply perm_merge_1 to H26 H19. apply perm_merge_1 to H36 H20. apply merge_perm_det to H49 H48. apply perm_1_is_list to H50. apply perm_refl to *H51. apply perm_sym to H50. exists M, D7. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A2, B2, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D6, D7. search. % 2. the cut-formula is not principal apply adj_swap to H12 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H13. apply adj_swap to H12 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H20 H19. apply adj_same_result to H21 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H24. search. % plusR2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H11. % 1. the cut-formula is principal % Unfolds the right premise (cut-formula in the antecedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the right premise case H3 (keep). % init case case H13. case H5. case H18. % oneR case case H13. case H5. % oneL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H15. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H16. apply adj_swap to H16 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H20 H17. apply adj_same_result to H21 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H22 H24. search. % tensorL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H17. apply adj_swap to H18 H15. apply adj_swap to H20 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H23 H21. apply merge_unadj_1 to H27 H19. apply adj_swap to H18 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H30 H29. apply adj_same_result to H31 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H32 H34. search. % tensorR case rename D1'1 to D4'. rename D2' to D5'. rename G4 to G5. rename G3 to G4. apply merge_unadj_3 to H15 H5. case H20. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H18 H4 H21. rename G3 to G6. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H16. apply merge_3_is_list to H23. apply merge_2_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H28 *H29. apply merge_2_is_list to H14. apply merge_3_is_list to H27. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H31. apply merge_sym to *H23. apply change_merge_order to H30 H34 H22. apply merge_sym to *H35. apply merge_sym to *H27. apply change_merge_order to H33 H37 H14. apply add_to_merge_right to H13 H38. apply merge_sym to H39. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H21. rename G3 to G6. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H23. apply merge_1_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H28 *H29. apply merge_sym to H30. apply merge_1_is_list to H14. apply merge_3_is_list to H27. apply merge_exists to *H33 *H32. apply merge_sym to H34. apply merge_sym to H27. apply merge_sym to H14. apply change_merge_order to H34 H36 H37. apply add_to_merge_right to H13 H38. apply merge_sym to *H39. apply merge_sym to *H23. apply merge_sym to *H22. apply change_merge_order to H30 H42 H43. apply merge_sym to *H44. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A2, B2, L1. exists D4, D6, D4', LL. exists G4, G6. search. % botL case case H13. case H5. case H17. % botR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H16. search. % parR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H14. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H15. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H23. search. % parL case rename G1' to G3'. rename G2'1 to G4'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H20. apply merge_unadj_3 to H14 H21. case H22. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL rename G4 to G5. rename G3 to G4. apply adj_swap to H23 H16. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H18 H4 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H27 H25. apply merge_3_is_list to H31. apply merge_2_is_list to H14. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H33. apply merge_sym to H34. apply merge_sym to H31. apply change_merge_order to H34 H36 H24. apply adj_swap to H21 H13. apply add_to_merge_right to H38 H37. apply adj_same_result to H39 H5. apply perm_merge_2 to H40 H42. apply merge_sym to H43. apply merge_2_is_list to H15. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_exists to *H45 *H46. apply merge_sym to H47. apply merge_sym to H28. apply change_merge_order to H48 H49 H15. apply merge_sym to H50. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL apply adj_swap to H23 H17. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H27 H25. apply merge_3_is_list to H31. apply merge_1_is_list to H14. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H33. apply merge_sym to H34. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to H24. apply change_merge_order to H34 H36 H37. apply merge_sym to H38. apply adj_swap to H21 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H40 H39. apply adj_same_result to H41 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H42 H44. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_1_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H46 *H47. apply merge_sym to H28. apply merge_sym to H15. apply change_merge_order to H48 H49 H50. apply merge_sym to H51. apply merge_sym to H48. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A2, B2, L. exists G3, G5, G3', LL. exists D4, D6. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to *H15 *H16. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H14 *H19. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply adj_same_result_diff to H13 H5. case H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H23. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to *H15 *H16. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply adj_3_is_list to H13. apply merge_3_is_list to H18. apply merge_exists to *H19 *H20. apply merge_sym to *H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H23 H13. search. % withL1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H16. apply adj_swap to H17 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H20 H18. apply adj_swap to H17 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H25 H24. apply adj_same_result to H26 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H27 H29. search. % withL2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H16. apply adj_swap to H17 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H20 H18. apply adj_swap to H17 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H25 H24. apply adj_same_result to H26 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H27 H29. search. % withR case rename D2' to D5'. apply perm_sym to *H19. apply adj_perm_result to H21 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H14. apply perm_sym to *H20. apply adj_perm_result to H29 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H17 H4 H30. apply merge_unadj_1 to H33 H15. apply perm_sym to *H23. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H37. apply perm_sym to *H31. apply perm_merge_1 to H32 H39. apply merge_perm_det to H40 H38. apply perm_2_is_list to H41. apply perm_refl to *H42. apply perm_merge_1 to H36 H18. apply merge_perm_det to H44 H28. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H28. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A2, B2, LL. exists LL1, D6, D7. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H20. search. % plusR2 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H13 H20. search. % plusL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H13. case H21. % 1. The cut-formula is principal apply IH to H7 H10 H17 H9 H15. apply perm_merge_1 to H23 H18. apply perm_sym to *H22. apply perm_merge_1 to H26 H27. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H20. apply perm_sym to *H12. apply perm_merge_2 to H29 H30. search. % 2. The cut-formula is not principal apply adj_swap to H22 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H24. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H23. apply perm_sym to *H18. apply adj_perm_result to H30 H22. apply adj_swap to H31 H15. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H17 H4 H34. apply merge_unadj_1 to H35 H33. apply perm_merge_1 to H29 H32. apply merge_perm_det to H39 H40. apply adj_swap to H22 H13. apply add_to_merge_left to H42 H29. apply adj_same_result to H43 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H44 H46. apply perm_merge_1 to H26 H19. apply perm_merge_1 to H36 H20. apply merge_perm_det to H49 H48. apply perm_1_is_list to H50. apply perm_refl to *H51. apply perm_sym to H50. exists M, D7. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A2, B2, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D6, D7. search. % 2. the cut-formula is not principal apply adj_swap to H12 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H13. apply adj_swap to H12 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H20 H19. apply adj_same_result to H21 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H24. search. % plusL case rename G2'1 to G4'. apply perm_sym to H14. apply adj_perm_result to H16 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H9. apply perm_sym to H15. apply adj_perm_result to H24 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H25 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H27 H10. apply perm_merge_2 to H31 H13. apply merge_perm_det to H32 H23. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H23. apply perm_sym to *H18. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H36. apply perm_sym to *H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H28 H38. apply merge_perm_det to H39 H37. apply perm_1_is_list to H40. apply perm_refl to *H41. apply perm_sym to H40. exists M, D6. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A1, B1, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. %% 3. With case case H2 (keep). % init case case H9. case H4. case H13. % oneR case case H8. case H4. case H12. % oneL case apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H10. search. % tensorL case apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H12 H9. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H10. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H18. search. % tensorR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H15. apply merge_unadj_3 to H9 H16. case H17. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply adj_swap to H18 H11. apply IH1 to H1 H13 H3 H21 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H23 H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_2_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H27 *H28. apply change_merge_order to H29 H22 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H26. apply adj_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H31 *H32. apply change_merge_order to H33 H26 H19. apply adj_swap to H16 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H37 H39. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply adj_swap to H18 H12. apply IH1 to H1 H14 H3 H21 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H23 H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to H27 H28. apply merge_sym to H29. apply merge_sym to H10. apply change_merge_order to H29 H22 H31. apply merge_3_is_list to H26. apply merge_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to H33 H34. apply merge_sym to H35. apply merge_sym to H19. apply change_merge_order to H35 H26 H37. apply adj_swap to H16 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H39 H38. apply adj_same_result to H40 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H41 H43. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A1, B1, L1. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case case H4. % botR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H10. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H11 H5. apply adj_swap to H11 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H15 H13. apply adj_same_result to H16 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H17 H19. search. % parR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H12. apply adj_swap to H13 H10. apply adj_swap to H15 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H22 H14. apply adj_swap to H13 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H25 H24. apply adj_same_result to H26 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H27 H29. search. % parL case apply merge_unadj_3 to H10 H4. case H15. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL apply IH1 to H1 H13 H3 H16 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H18 H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_2_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to *H23 *H24. apply change_merge_order to H25 H22 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H26. apply merge_2_is_list to H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H30 *H29. apply change_merge_order to H31 H19 H17. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL apply IH1 to H1 H14 H3 H16 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H18 H12. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to *H23 *H24. apply merge_sym to H25. apply merge_sym to H9. apply change_merge_order to H25 H22 H27. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H28. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H31. apply merge_sym to H33. apply merge_sym to H17. apply change_merge_order to H33 H19 H35. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A1, B1, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D3, D5. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_3_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H10 *H11. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H14 *H15. apply merge_3_is_list to H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H12 H8. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H10 *H9. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H13 *H14. apply adj_same_result_diff to H8 H4. case H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H15 H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H11. search. % withL1 case apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H11 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H15. search. % withL2 case apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H11 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H15. search. % withR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H16. % 1. the cut-formula is principal % Unfolds the right premise (cut-formula in the antecedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the right premise case H3 (keep). % init case case H18. case H5. case H23. % oneR case case H5. % oneL case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H18. case H20. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H21. apply adj_swap to H21 H18. apply add_to_merge_left to H25 H22. apply adj_same_result to H5 H26. apply perm_sym to H29. apply perm_merge_1 to H27 H30. search. % tensorL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H18. case H22. apply adj_swap to H23 H20. apply adj_swap to H25 H19. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H21 H4 H27. apply merge_unadj_1 to H28 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H32 H24. apply adj_swap to H23 H18. apply add_to_merge_left to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H37 H39. search. % tensorR case apply merge_unadj_3 to H20 H5. case H25. % 1. cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H23 H4 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H29 H21. apply adj_1_is_list to H31. apply adj_1_is_list to H22. apply merge_exists to H33 H34. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_2_is_list to H27. apply merge_exists to H36 H37. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply change_merge_order to H38 H39 H27. apply merge_sym to *H40. apply merge_sym to *H32. apply change_merge_order to H35 H42 H19. apply merge_sym to *H43. apply add_to_merge_left to H18 H44. search. % 2. cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H24 H4 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H29 H22. apply adj_1_is_list to H31. apply adj_1_is_list to H21. apply merge_exists to H33 H34. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_1_is_list to H27. apply merge_exists to H36 H37. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply merge_sym to *H27. apply change_merge_order to H38 H39 H40. apply merge_sym to *H41. apply merge_sym to *H32. apply merge_sym to *H19. apply change_merge_order to H35 H43 H44. apply merge_sym to *H45. apply add_to_merge_left to H18 H46. apply merge_sym to H38. apply merge_sym to H35. exists L1, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A2, B2, L. exists D5, D7, D1'1, LL. exists G5, G7. search. % botL case case H18. case H5. case H22. % botR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_left to H18 H21. search. % parR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H21 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H23 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H26 H20. apply add_to_merge_left to H18 H28. search. % parL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H18. case H25. apply merge_unadj_3 to H19 H26. case H27. % 1. the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL. apply adj_swap to H28 H21. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H23 H4 H31. apply merge_unadj_1 to H32 H30. apply merge_3_is_list to H36. apply merge_2_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H37 *H38. apply merge_3_is_list to H33. apply merge_2_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to *H40 *H41. apply merge_sym to H36. apply change_merge_order to H39 H43 H29. apply merge_sym to *H44. apply adj_swap to H26 H18. apply add_to_merge_left to H46 H45. apply adj_same_result to H47 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H48 H50. apply merge_sym to H33. apply change_merge_order to H42 H52 H20. apply merge_sym to *H53. search. % 2. the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL. apply adj_swap to H28 H22. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H24 H4 H31. apply merge_unadj_1 to H32 H30. apply merge_3_is_list to H36. apply merge_1_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H37 *H38. apply merge_3_is_list to H33. apply merge_1_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to *H40 *H41. apply merge_sym to H36. apply merge_sym to H42. apply merge_sym to H29. apply change_merge_order to H39 H43 H45. apply merge_sym to *H46. apply adj_swap to H26 H18. apply add_to_merge_left to H48 H47. apply adj_same_result to H49 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H50 H52. apply merge_sym to H33. apply merge_sym to H20. apply change_merge_order to H42 H54 H55. apply merge_sym to *H56. apply merge_sym to H39. apply merge_sym to H44. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A2, B2, L. exists G5, G7, G1', LL. exists D5, D7. search. % zeroL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H18 H5. case H20. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to H19 H22. apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to H24 H25. apply merge_unadj_1 to H27 H21. apply merge_3_is_list to H23. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to H20 H21. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply adj_3_is_list to H18. apply merge_exists to H25 H24. apply merge_unadj_1 to H26 H18. apply merge_3_is_list to H23. search. % withL1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H18. case H21. % 1. The cut-formula is principal apply IH to H6 H11 H20 H9 H19. apply perm_merge_2 to H23 H14. apply perm_sym to *H22. apply perm_merge_1 to H26 H27. apply perm_sym to *H17. apply perm_merge_2 to H24 H29. search. % 2. The cut-formula is not principal apply adj_swap to H22 H19. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H24. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H23. apply adj_swap to H22 H18. apply add_to_merge_left to H30 H29. apply adj_same_result to H31 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H32 H34. search. % withL2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H18. case H21. % 1. The cut-formula is principal apply IH to H7 H12 H20 H10 H19. apply perm_sym to *H22. apply perm_merge_1 to H23 H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H27 H15. apply perm_merge_2 to H24 H13. apply perm_sym to *H17. apply perm_merge_2 to H29 H30. search. % 2. The cut-formula is not principal apply adj_swap to H22 H19. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H24. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H23. apply adj_swap to H22 H18. apply add_to_merge_left to H30 H29. apply adj_same_result to H31 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H32 H34. search. % withR case rename D'1 to D5'. rename D2'1 to D6'. apply perm_sym to *H24. apply adj_perm_result to H26 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H21 H4 H27. apply merge_unadj_1 to H30 H19. apply perm_sym to *H25. apply adj_perm_result to H34 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H22 H4 H35. apply merge_unadj_1 to H38 H20. apply perm_sym to *H28. apply perm_merge_1 to H29 H42. apply perm_sym to *H36. apply perm_merge_1 to H37 H44. apply merge_perm_det to H45 H43. apply perm_2_is_list to H46. apply perm_refl to *H47. apply perm_merge_1 to H41 H23. apply merge_perm_det to H49 H33. apply perm_2_is_list to H50. apply add_to_merge_left to H18 H33. exists G7, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A2, B2, LL. exists LL1, D7, D8. exists G7, G8. search. % plusR1 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H19. apply add_to_merge_left to H18 H25. search. % plusR2 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H19. apply add_to_merge_left to H18 H25. search. % plusL case rename G' to G5'. rename G2'1 to G6'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H18. case H26. apply adj_swap to H27 H19. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H21 H4 H29. apply merge_unadj_1 to H30 H28. apply perm_sym to *H23. apply adj_perm_result to H35 H27. apply adj_swap to H36 H20. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H22 H4 H39. apply merge_unadj_1 to H40 H38. apply perm_merge_1 to H34 H37. apply merge_perm_det to H44 H45. apply adj_swap to H27 H18. apply add_to_merge_left to H47 H34. apply adj_same_result to H48 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H49 H51. apply perm_merge_1 to H31 H24. apply perm_merge_1 to H41 H25. apply merge_perm_det to H54 H53. apply perm_1_is_list to H55. apply perm_refl to *H56. apply perm_sym to H55. exists M, D8. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A2, B2, LL. exists LL1, G7, G8. exists D7, D8. search. % 2. the cut-formula is not principal apply adj_swap to H17 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply perm_sym to *H13. apply adj_perm_result to H25 H17. apply adj_swap to H26 H10. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H29 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H31 H28. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H14. apply perm_merge_2 to H30 H15. apply merge_perm_det to H36 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H37. apply perm_refl to *H38. apply perm_merge_2 to H24 H27. apply merge_perm_det to H34 H40. apply adj_swap to H17 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H42 H24. apply adj_same_result to H43 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H44 H46. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A1, B1, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H11. apply adj_swap to H12 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H13. apply adj_swap to H12 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H20 H19. apply adj_same_result to H21 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H24. search. % plusR2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H11. apply adj_swap to H12 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H13. apply adj_swap to H12 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H20 H19. apply adj_same_result to H21 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H24. search. % plusL case rename G2'1 to G4'. apply perm_sym to *H14. apply adj_perm_result to H16 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H9. apply perm_sym to *H15. apply adj_perm_result to H24 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H25 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H27 H10. apply perm_merge_2 to H31 H13. apply merge_perm_det to H32 H23. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H23. apply perm_sym to *H18. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H36. apply perm_sym to *H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H28 H38. apply merge_perm_det to H39 H37. apply perm_1_is_list to H40. apply perm_refl to *H41. apply perm_sym to H40. exists M, D6. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A1, B1, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. %% 4. Par case case H2 (keep). % init case case H9. case H4. case H13. % oneR case case H8. case H4. case H12. % oneL case apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H10. search. % tensorL case apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H12 H9. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H10. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H18. search. % tensorR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H15. apply merge_unadj_3 to H9 H16. case H17. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply adj_swap to H18 H11. apply IH1 to H1 H13 H3 H21 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H23 H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_2_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H27 *H28. apply change_merge_order to H29 H22 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H26. apply adj_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H31 *H32. apply change_merge_order to H33 H26 H19. apply adj_swap to H16 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H37 H39. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply adj_swap to H18 H12. apply IH1 to H1 H14 H3 H21 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H23 H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to H27 H28. apply merge_sym to H29. apply merge_sym to H10. apply change_merge_order to H29 H22 H31. apply merge_3_is_list to H26. apply merge_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to H33 H34. apply merge_sym to H35. apply merge_sym to H19. apply change_merge_order to H35 H26 H37. apply adj_swap to H16 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H39 H38. apply adj_same_result to H40 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H41 H43. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A1, B1, L1. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case case H4. % botR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H10. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H11 H5. apply adj_swap to H11 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H15 H13. apply adj_same_result to H16 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H17 H19. search. % parR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H12. % 1. the cut-formula is principal % Unfolds the right premise (cut-formula in the antecedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the right premise case H3 (keep). % init case case H14. case H5. case H19. % oneR case case H5. % oneL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H14. case H16. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H17. apply adj_swap to H17 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H21 H18. apply adj_same_result to H22 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H23 H25. search. % tensorL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H14. case H18. apply adj_swap to H19 H16. apply adj_swap to H21 H15. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H17 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H28 H20. apply adj_swap to H19 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H31 H30. apply adj_same_result to H32 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H33 H35. search. % tensorR case apply merge_unadj_3 to H16 H5. case H21. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_2_is_list to H16. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H30. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to *H24. apply change_merge_order to H31 H33 H23. apply merge_sym to H34. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_2_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H36 *H37. apply merge_sym to H38. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply change_merge_order to H38 H40 H15. apply add_to_merge_right to H14 H41. apply merge_sym to H42. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H25 H18. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_1_is_list to H16. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H30. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to H24. apply merge_sym to H23. apply change_merge_order to H31 H33 H34. apply merge_sym to H35. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_1_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H37 *H38. apply merge_sym to H39. apply merge_sym to H28. apply merge_sym to H15. apply change_merge_order to H39 H41 H42. apply merge_sym to *H43. apply add_to_merge_left to H14 H44. apply merge_sym to H44. apply merge_sym to H31. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A2, B2, L1. exists D5, D7, D1'1, LL. search. % botL case case H14. case H5. case H18. % botR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_left to H14 H17. search. % parR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H17 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H19 H15. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H16. apply add_to_merge_left to H14 H24. search. % parL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H14. case H21. % 1. the cut-formula is principal apply IH to H6 H11 H19 H9 H17. apply merge_unadj_2 to H24 H10. apply IH to H7 H25 H20 H26 H18. apply merge_sym to *H29. apply merge_sym to *H27. apply change_merge_order to H31 H32 H16. apply merge_sym to H33. apply perm_sym to *H13. apply perm_merge_2 to H34 H35. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply merge_sym to *H23. apply change_merge_order to H37 H38 H15. apply perm_sym to *H22. apply perm_merge_2 to H39 H40. apply merge_sym to *H41. search. % 2. the cut-formula is not principal apply merge_unadj_3 to H15 H22. case H23. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL apply adj_swap to H24 H17. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H19 H4 H27. apply merge_unadj_1 to H28 H26. apply merge_3_is_list to H32. apply merge_2_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H33 *H34. apply merge_sym to *H32. apply change_merge_order to H35 H36 H25. apply merge_sym to *H37. apply adj_swap to H22 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H39 H38. apply adj_same_result to H40 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H41 H43. apply merge_2_is_list to H16. apply merge_3_is_list to H29. apply merge_exists to *H46 *H45. apply merge_sym to *H29. apply change_merge_order to H47 H48 H16. apply merge_sym to H49. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL apply adj_swap to H24 H18. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H20 H4 H27. apply merge_unadj_1 to H28 H26. apply merge_3_is_list to H32. apply merge_1_is_list to H15. apply merge_exists to *H33 *H34. apply merge_sym to *H32. apply merge_sym to *H25. apply change_merge_order to H35 H36 H37. apply merge_sym to H38. apply adj_swap to H22 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H40 H39. apply adj_same_result to H41 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H42 H44. apply merge_1_is_list to H16. apply merge_3_is_list to H29. apply merge_exists to *H47 *H46. apply merge_sym to *H29. apply merge_sym to *H16. apply change_merge_order to H48 H49 H50. apply merge_sym to H51. apply merge_sym to H35. apply merge_sym to H48. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A2, B2, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D5, D7. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to *H16 *H17. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H15 *H20. apply adj_same_result_diff to H14 H5. case H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H19 H23. apply merge_3_is_list to H21. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to *H16 *H17. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply adj_3_is_list to H14. apply merge_exists to *H21 *H20. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H14. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. search. % withL1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H14. case H17. apply adj_swap to H18 H15. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H20. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H19. apply adj_swap to H18 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H26 H25. apply adj_same_result to H27 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H28 H30. search. % withL2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H14. case H17. apply adj_swap to H18 H15. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H20. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H19. apply adj_swap to H18 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H26 H25. apply adj_same_result to H27 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H28 H30. search. % withR case rename D2' to D6'. apply perm_sym to H20. apply adj_perm_result to H22 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H17 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H26 H15. apply perm_sym to H21. apply adj_perm_result to H30 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H18 H4 H31. apply merge_unadj_1 to H34 H16. apply perm_sym to *H24. apply perm_merge_1 to H25 H38. apply perm_sym to *H32. apply perm_merge_1 to H33 H40. apply merge_perm_det to H41 H39. apply perm_2_is_list to H42. apply perm_refl to *H43. apply perm_merge_1 to H37 H19. apply merge_perm_det to H45 H29. apply add_to_merge_left to H14 H29. exists G6, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A2, B2, LL. exists LL1, D7, D8. exists G5, G6. split. search. search. search. search. search. search. apply perm_sym to H42. search. apply perm_1_is_list to H42. apply perm_refl to H49. search. % plusR1 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H15. apply add_to_merge_left to H14 H21. search. % plusR2 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H15. apply add_to_merge_left to H14 H21. search. % plusL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H14. case H22. apply adj_swap to H23 H15. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H17 H4 H25. apply merge_unadj_1 to H26 H24. apply perm_sym to H19. apply adj_perm_result to H31 H23. apply adj_swap to H32 H16. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H18 H4 H35. apply merge_unadj_1 to H36 H34. apply perm_merge_1 to H30 H33. apply merge_perm_det to H40 H41. apply adj_swap to H23 H14. apply add_to_merge_left to H43 H30. apply adj_same_result to H44 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H45 H47. apply perm_merge_1 to H27 H20. apply perm_merge_1 to H37 H21. apply merge_perm_det to H50 H49. apply perm_1_is_list to H51. apply perm_refl to *H52. apply perm_sym to H51. exists M, D8. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A2, B2, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D7, D8. search. % 2. the cut-formula is not principal apply adj_swap to H13 H10. apply adj_swap to H15 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H22 H14. apply adj_swap to H13 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H25 H24. apply adj_same_result to H26 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H27 H29. search. % parL case apply merge_unadj_3 to H10 H4. case H15. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL apply IH1 to H1 H13 H3 H16 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H18 H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_2_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to *H23 *H24. apply change_merge_order to H25 H22 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H26. apply merge_2_is_list to H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H30 *H29. apply change_merge_order to H31 H19 H17. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL apply IH1 to H1 H14 H3 H16 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H18 H12. apply merge_3_is_list to H22. apply merge_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to *H23 *H24. apply merge_sym to H25. apply merge_sym to H9. apply change_merge_order to H25 H22 H27. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H28. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H31. apply merge_sym to H33. apply merge_sym to H17. apply change_merge_order to H33 H19 H35. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A1, B1, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D3, D5. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_3_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H10 *H11. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H14 *H15. apply merge_3_is_list to H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H12 H8. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H10 *H9. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H13 *H14. apply adj_same_result_diff to H8 H4. case H16. apply merge_unadj_2 to H15 H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H11. search. % withL1 case apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H11 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H15. search. % withL2 case apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H11 H9. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H15. search. % withR case rename D2' to D4'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H16. apply adj_swap to H17 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply perm_sym to *H13. apply adj_perm_result to H25 H17. apply adj_swap to H26 H10. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H29 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H31 H28. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H14. apply perm_merge_2 to H30 H15. apply merge_perm_det to H36 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H37. apply perm_refl to *H38. apply perm_merge_2 to H24 H27. apply merge_perm_det to H34 H40. apply adj_swap to H17 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H42 H24. apply adj_same_result to H43 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H44 H46. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A1, B1, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H11. apply adj_swap to H12 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H13. apply adj_swap to H12 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H20 H19. apply adj_same_result to H21 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H24. search. % plusR2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H8. case H11. apply adj_swap to H12 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H13. apply adj_swap to H12 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H20 H19. apply adj_same_result to H21 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H24. search. % plusL case rename G2'1 to G4'. apply perm_sym to H14. apply adj_perm_result to H16 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H9. apply perm_sym to H15. apply adj_perm_result to H24 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H25 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H27 H10. apply perm_merge_2 to H31 H13. apply merge_perm_det to H32 H23. apply add_to_merge_right to H8 H23. apply perm_sym to *H18. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H36. apply perm_sym to *H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H28 H38. apply merge_perm_det to H39 H37. apply perm_1_is_list to H40. apply perm_refl to *H41. apply perm_sym to H40. exists M, D6. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A1, B1, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. %% 5. Zero case case H2 (keep). % init case -- invalid (contexts need to be empty) case H7. case H4. case H11. % oneR case -- invalid (contexts need to be empty) case H6. case H4. case H10. % oneL case -- permutes down apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H8. search. % tensorL case -- permutes down apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H7. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H16. search. % tensorR case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H13. apply merge_unadj_3 to H7 H14. case H15. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply adj_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H28. apply change_merge_order to H27 H24 H17. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H32 H31. apply adj_same_result to H33 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H34 H36. apply change_merge_order to H30 H20 H8. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H10. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply adj_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_sym to *H17. apply change_merge_order to H27 H24 H28. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H30 H29. apply adj_same_result to H31 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H32 H34. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to H37 H36. apply merge_sym to *H8. apply change_merge_order to H38 H20 H39. apply merge_sym to *H27. apply merge_sym to *H38. exists L1, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A, B, L. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case case H6. case H4. % botR case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H8. apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H9 H5. apply adj_swap to H9 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H13 H11. apply adj_same_result to H14 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H15 H17. search. % parR case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H10. apply adj_swap to H11 H8. apply adj_swap to H13 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H20 H12. apply adj_swap to H11 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H23 H22. apply adj_same_result to H24 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H25 H27. search. % parL case -- permutes down apply merge_unadj_3 to H8 H4. case H13. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_2_is_list to H7. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H21 *H23. apply merge_exists to *H22 *H24. apply change_merge_order to H25 H20 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H27. apply change_merge_order to H26 H17 H15. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply adj_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H22 *H21. apply merge_exists to *H24 *H23. apply merge_sym to H25. apply merge_sym to H7. apply change_merge_order to H27 H20 H28. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H29. apply merge_sym to H26. apply merge_sym to H15. apply change_merge_order to H32 H17 H33. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_3_is_list to H6. apply merge_exists to H8 H9. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply merge_exists to H13 H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H6. search. % topR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H6 H4. case H8. apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to H10 H7. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply merge_exists to H14 H12. apply merge_unadj_2 to H15 H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H11. search. % withL1 case -- permutes down apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withL2 case -- permutes down apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H14. apply adj_swap to H15 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H16. apply perm_sym to H11. apply adj_perm_result to H23 H15. apply adj_swap to H24 H8. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H27 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H29 H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H12. apply perm_merge_2 to H28 H13. apply merge_perm_det to H34 H33. apply perm_2_is_list to H35. apply perm_refl to *H36. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H25. apply merge_perm_det to H32 H38. apply adj_swap to H15 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H40 H22. apply adj_same_result to H41 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H42 H44. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusL case apply perm_sym to H12. apply adj_perm_result to H14 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H7. apply perm_sym to H13. apply adj_perm_result to H22 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H23 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H25 H8. apply perm_merge_2 to H29 H11. apply merge_perm_det to H30 H21. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H21. apply perm_sym to *H16. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H34. apply perm_sym to *H24. apply perm_merge_2 to H26 H36. apply merge_perm_det to H37 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H38. apply perm_refl to *H39. exists M, D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. %% 6. One case case H2 (keep). % init case case H7. case H4. case H11. % oneR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H6 H4. case H7. % 1. the cut-formula is principal % Unfolds the right premise (cut-formula in the antecedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the right premise case H3 (keep). % init case case H9. case H5. case H14. % oneR case case H5. % oneL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H9. case H11. % 1. the cut-formula is principal apply perm_merge_2_nil to H12. apply prove_is_list to H10. apply list_merge_1 to H15. case H8. search. case H17. % 2. the cut-formula is not principal apply IH2 to H1 H2 H10 H4 H12. apply add_to_merge_left to H12 H13. apply adj_same_result to H9 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H16 H18. search. % tensorL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H9. case H13. apply adj_swap to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H16 H10. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H19 H17. apply merge_unadj_1 to H23 H15. apply adj_swap to H14 H9. apply add_to_merge_left to H26 H25. apply adj_same_result to H27 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H28 H30. search. % tensorR case apply merge_unadj_3 to H11 H5. case H16. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H6 H17. apply merge_unadj_1 to H20 H12. apply merge_2_is_list to H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H24 *H25. apply merge_sym to *H26. apply merge_sym to H19. apply change_merge_order to H27 H28 H18. apply merge_sym to *H29. apply merge_3_is_list to H23. apply merge_2_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H31 *H32. apply merge_sym to H23. apply change_merge_order to H33 H34 H10. apply merge_sym to *H35. apply add_to_merge_left to H9 H36. case H8. search. case H39. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H6 H17. apply merge_unadj_1 to H20 H13. apply merge_1_is_list to H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H19. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H24. apply merge_sym to H26. apply merge_sym to *H19. apply merge_sym to *H18. apply change_merge_order to *H26 *H28 *H29. apply merge_sym to *H30. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H23. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H33. apply merge_sym to H34. apply merge_sym to *H23. apply merge_sym to *H10. apply change_merge_order to *H35 *H36 *H37. apply merge_sym to *H38. apply add_to_merge_left to H9 H39. case H8. search. case H42. % botL case case H9. case H5. case H13. % botR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H10 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_left to H9 H12. search. % parR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H14 H10. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H11. apply add_to_merge_left to H9 H19. search. % parL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H9. case H16. apply merge_unadj_3 to H10 H17. case H18. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL apply adj_swap to H19 H12. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H23 H21. apply merge_3_is_list to H27. apply merge_2_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to H28 H29. apply merge_sym to *H27. apply change_merge_order to H30 *H31 *H20. apply merge_sym to *H32. apply adj_swap to H17 H9. apply add_to_merge_left to H34 H33. apply merge_2_is_list to H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_exists to *H39 *H38. apply merge_sym to *H24. apply change_merge_order to H40 *H41 *H11. apply merge_sym to *H42. apply adj_same_result to H35 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H36 H44. case H8. search. case H46. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise apply adj_swap to H19 H13. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H22. apply merge_unadj_1 to H23 H21. apply merge_3_is_list to H27. apply merge_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H28 *H29. apply merge_sym to *H27. apply merge_sym to *H20. apply change_merge_order to H30 *H31 *H32. apply merge_sym to *H33. apply adj_swap to H17 H9. apply add_to_merge_left to *H35 *H34. apply merge_1_is_list to H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_exists to *H40 *H39. apply merge_sym to *H24. apply merge_sym to *H11. apply change_merge_order to H41 H42 H43. apply merge_sym to *H44. apply adj_same_result to H36 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H37 H46. apply merge_sym to H41. apply merge_sym to H30. case H8. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A, B, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D3, D5. search. case H50. % zeroL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H9 H5. case H11. apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_1_is_list to H6. apply merge_exists to *H13 H14. apply merge_exists to *H10 *H14. apply merge_unadj_1 to H15 H12. apply merge_3_is_list to H16. case H8. search. case H20. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_1_is_list to H6. apply merge_exists to *H11 H12. apply adj_3_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to *H14 *H12. apply merge_unadj_1 to H15 H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H13. case H8. search. case H19. % withL1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H9. case H12. apply adj_swap to H13 H10. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H15. apply merge_unadj_1 to H16 H14. apply adj_swap to H13 H9. apply add_to_merge_left to H21 H20. apply adj_same_result to H22 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H23 H25. search. % withL2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H9. case H12. apply adj_swap to H13 H10. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H15. apply merge_unadj_1 to H16 H14. apply adj_swap to H13 H9. apply add_to_merge_left to H21 H20. apply adj_same_result to H22 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H23 H25. search. % withR case rename D2' to D4'. apply perm_sym to H15. apply adj_perm_result to H17 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H10. apply perm_sym to H16. apply adj_perm_result to H25 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H26. apply merge_unadj_1 to H29 H11. apply perm_sym to *H19. apply perm_merge_1 to H20 H33. apply perm_sym to *H27. apply perm_merge_1 to H28 H35. apply merge_perm_det to H36 H34. apply perm_2_is_list to H37. apply perm_refl to *H38. apply perm_merge_1 to H32 H14. apply merge_perm_det to H40 H24. apply add_to_merge_left to H9 H24. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H13 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H9 H16. search. % plusR2 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H13 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H9 H16. search. % plusL case rename G2'1 to G4'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H9. case H17. apply adj_swap to H18 H10. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H20. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H19. apply perm_sym to H14. apply adj_perm_result to H26 H18. apply adj_swap to H27 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H30. apply merge_unadj_1 to H31 H29. apply perm_merge_1 to H25 H28. apply merge_perm_det to H35 H36. apply adj_swap to H18 H9. apply add_to_merge_left to H38 H25. apply adj_same_result to H39 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H40 H42. apply perm_merge_1 to H22 H15. apply perm_merge_1 to H32 H16. apply merge_perm_det to H45 H44. apply perm_2_is_list to H46. apply perm_refl to *H47. exists M, D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. % 2. the cut-formula is not principal apply adj_same_result to H6 H4. case H9. case H8. case H10. % oneL case apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H8. search. % tensorL case apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H7. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H16. search. % tensorR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H13. apply merge_unadj_3 to H7 H14. case H15. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to *H26 *H25. apply merge_2_is_list to H7. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H28. apply change_merge_order to H30 H24 H17. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H32 H31. apply change_merge_order to H27 H20 H8. apply adj_same_result to H33 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H34 H37. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H10. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to H25 H26. apply merge_sym to H27. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_1_is_list to H7. apply merge_exists to H29 H30. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to H17. apply change_merge_order to H31 H24 H33. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H37 H39. apply merge_sym to H8. apply change_merge_order to H28 H20 H41. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A, B, L1. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case case H4. % botR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H8. apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H9 H5. apply adj_swap to H9 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H13 H11. apply adj_same_result to H14 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H15 H17. apply merge_3_is_list to H10. search. % parR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H10. apply adj_swap to H11 H8. apply adj_swap to H13 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H20 H12. apply adj_swap to H11 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H23 H22. apply adj_same_result to H24 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H25 H27. search. % parL case apply merge_unadj_3 to H8 H4. case H13. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_2_is_list to H7. apply merge_exists to *H21 *H22. apply change_merge_order to H23 H20 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H24. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_exists to *H28 *H27. apply change_merge_order to H29 H17 H15. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_1_is_list to H7. apply merge_exists to *H21 *H22. apply merge_sym to H23. apply merge_sym to H7. apply change_merge_order to H23 H20 H25. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H26. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H30. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to H15. apply change_merge_order to H31 H17 H33. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A, B, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D3, D5. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_3_is_list to H6. apply merge_exists to *H8 *H9. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H12 *H13. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H6. apply merge_3_is_list to H14. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H8 *H7. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to H11 H12. apply adj_same_result_diff to H6 H4. case H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H13 H15. apply merge_3_is_list to H9. search. % withL1 case apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withL2 case apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H14. apply adj_swap to H15 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H16. apply perm_sym to H11. apply adj_perm_result to H23 H15. apply adj_swap to H24 H8. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H27 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H29 H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H12. apply perm_merge_2 to H28 H13. apply merge_perm_det to H34 H33. apply perm_2_is_list to H35. apply perm_refl to *H36. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H25. apply merge_perm_det to H32 H38. apply adj_swap to H15 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H40 H22. apply adj_same_result to H41 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H42 H44. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusR2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusL case apply perm_sym to H12. apply adj_perm_result to H14 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H7. apply perm_sym to H13. apply adj_perm_result to H22 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H23 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H25 H8. apply perm_merge_2 to H29 H11. apply merge_perm_det to H30 H21. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H21. apply perm_sym to *H16. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H34. apply perm_sym to *H24. apply perm_merge_2 to H26 H36. apply merge_perm_det to H37 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H38. apply perm_refl to *H39. exists M, D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. %% 7. Bot case case H2 (keep). % init case case H6. case H7. case H4. case H13. % oneR case case H6. case H4. case H10. % oneL case apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H8. search. % tensorL case apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H7. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H16. search. % tensorR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H13. apply merge_unadj_3 to H7 H14. case H15. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to *H26 *H25. apply merge_2_is_list to H7. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H28. apply change_merge_order to H30 H24 H17. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H32 H31. apply change_merge_order to H27 H20 H8. apply adj_same_result to H33 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H34 H37. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H10. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to H25 H26. apply merge_sym to H27. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_1_is_list to H7. apply merge_exists to H29 H30. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to H17. apply change_merge_order to H31 H24 H33. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H37 H39. apply merge_sym to H8. apply change_merge_order to H28 H20 H41. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A, B, L1. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case case H4. % botR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H8. % 1. the cut-formula is principal % Unfolds the right premise (cut-formula in the antecedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the right premise case H3 (keep). % init case case H10. case H5. case H15. % oneR case case H5. % oneL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H12. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H13. apply adj_swap to H13 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H14. apply adj_same_result to H18 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H19 H21. search. % tensorL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H14. apply adj_swap to H15 H12. apply adj_swap to H17 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H20 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H16. apply adj_swap to H15 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H27 H26. apply adj_same_result to H28 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H29 H31. search. % tensorR case apply merge_unadj_3 to H12 H5. case H17. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H13. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_2_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_sym to H20. apply change_merge_order to H27 H28 H19. apply merge_sym to *H29. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_2_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to *H31 *H32. apply merge_sym to H24. apply change_merge_order to H33 H34 H11. apply merge_sym to *H35. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H36. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H14. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_sym to H20. apply merge_sym to H19. apply change_merge_order to H27 *H28 *H29. apply merge_sym to *H30. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_1_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H33. apply merge_sym to *H24. apply merge_sym to *H11. apply change_merge_order to H34 *H35 *H36. apply merge_sym to *H37. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H38. apply merge_sym to H27. apply merge_sym to H34. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A, B, L1. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case apply perm_merge_1_nil to H9. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply list_merge_2 to *H12. apply adj_same_result to H10 H5. case H15. search. case H16. % botR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H13. search. % parR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H15 H11. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H12. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H20. search. % parL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H17. apply merge_unadj_3 to H11 H18. case H19. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL apply adj_swap to H20 H13. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H22. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_2_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H30. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply change_merge_order to H31 H32 H21. apply merge_sym to *H33. apply adj_swap to H18 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H37 H39. apply merge_2_is_list to H12. apply merge_3_is_list to H25. apply merge_exists to *H42 *H41. apply merge_sym to *H25. apply change_merge_order to H43 H44 H12. apply merge_sym to *H45. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL apply adj_swap to H20 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H22. apply merge_1_is_list to H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_exists to *H30 *H29. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply merge_sym to *H21. apply change_merge_order to H31 H32 H33. apply merge_sym to *H34. apply adj_swap to H18 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H36 H35. apply adj_same_result to H37 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H38 H40. apply merge_3_is_list to H25. apply merge_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H42 *H43. apply merge_sym to *H25. apply merge_sym to *H12. apply change_merge_order to H44 H45 H46. apply merge_sym to *H47. apply merge_sym to *H44. apply merge_sym to *H31. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A, B, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D3, D5. search. % zeroL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H10 H5. case H12. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H16 *H14. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H13. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H11 *H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H21. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to *H12 *H13. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply adj_3_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H17 *H16. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H15. search. % withL1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H13. apply adj_swap to H14 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H16. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H15. apply adj_swap to H14 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H22 H21. apply adj_same_result to H23 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H26. search. % withL2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H13. apply adj_swap to H14 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H16. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H15. apply adj_swap to H14 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H22 H21. apply adj_same_result to H23 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H26. search. % withR case rename D2' to D4'. apply perm_sym to H16. apply adj_perm_result to H18 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H11. apply perm_sym to H17. apply adj_perm_result to H26 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H27. apply merge_unadj_1 to H30 H12. apply perm_sym to *H20. apply perm_merge_1 to H21 H34. apply perm_sym to *H28. apply perm_merge_1 to H29 H36. apply merge_perm_det to H37 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H38. apply perm_refl to *H39. apply perm_merge_1 to H33 H15. apply merge_perm_det to H41 H25. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H25. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H14 H11. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H17. search. % plusR2 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H14 H11. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H17. search. % plusL case rename G2'1 to G4'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H18. apply adj_swap to H19 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H21. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H20. apply perm_sym to H15. apply adj_perm_result to H27 H19. apply adj_swap to H28 H12. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H31. apply merge_unadj_1 to H32 H30. apply perm_merge_1 to H26 H29. apply merge_perm_det to H36 H37. apply adj_swap to H19 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H39 H26. apply adj_same_result to H40 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H41 H43. apply perm_merge_1 to H23 H16. apply perm_merge_1 to H33 H17. apply merge_perm_det to H46 H45. apply perm_2_is_list to H47. apply perm_refl to *H48. exists M, D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. % the cut-formula is not principal apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H9 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H9 H11. apply adj_same_result to H6 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H13 H15. search. % parR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H10. apply adj_swap to H11 H8. apply adj_swap to H13 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H20 H12. apply adj_swap to H11 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H23 H22. apply adj_same_result to H24 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H25 H27. search. % parL case apply merge_unadj_3 to H8 H4. case H13. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_2_is_list to H7. apply merge_exists to *H21 *H22. apply change_merge_order to H23 H20 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H24. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_exists to *H28 *H27. apply change_merge_order to H29 H17 H15. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of the parL. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_1_is_list to H7. apply merge_exists to *H21 *H22. apply merge_sym to H23. apply merge_sym to H7. apply change_merge_order to H23 H20 H25. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H26. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H30. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to H15. apply change_merge_order to H31 H17 H33. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A, B, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D3, D5. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_3_is_list to H6. apply merge_exists to *H8 *H9. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H12 *H13. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H6. apply merge_3_is_list to H14. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H8 *H7. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to H11 H12. apply adj_same_result_diff to H6 H4. case H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H13 H15. apply merge_3_is_list to H9. search. % withL1 case apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withL2 case apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H14. apply adj_swap to H15 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H16. apply perm_sym to H11. apply adj_perm_result to H23 H15. apply adj_swap to H24 H8. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H27 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H29 H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H12. apply perm_merge_2 to H28 H13. apply merge_perm_det to H34 H33. apply perm_2_is_list to H35. apply perm_refl to *H36. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H25. apply merge_perm_det to H32 H38. apply adj_swap to H15 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H40 H22. apply adj_same_result to H41 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H42 H44. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusR2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusL case apply perm_sym to H12. apply adj_perm_result to H14 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H7. apply perm_sym to H13. apply adj_perm_result to H22 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H23 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H25 H8. apply perm_merge_2 to H29 H11. apply merge_perm_det to H30 H21. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H21. apply perm_sym to *H16. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H34. apply perm_sym to *H24. apply perm_merge_2 to H26 H36. apply merge_perm_det to H37 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H38. apply perm_refl to *H39. exists M, D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. %% 8. Top case case H2 (keep). % init case H7. case H4. case H11. % oneL case case H6. case H4. case H10. % oneL case apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H8. search. % tensorL case apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H7. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H16. search. % tensorR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H13. apply merge_unadj_3 to H7 H14. case H15. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply adj_1_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H28. apply change_merge_order to H27 H24 H17. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H32 H31. apply adj_same_result to H33 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H34 H36. apply change_merge_order to H30 H20 H8. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H10. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply adj_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_sym to *H17. apply change_merge_order to H27 H24 H28. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H30 H29. apply adj_same_result to H31 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H32 H34. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to H37 H36. apply merge_sym to *H8. apply change_merge_order to H38 H20 H39. apply merge_sym to *H27. apply merge_sym to *H38. exists L1, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A, B, L. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case case H6. case H4. % botR case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H8. apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H9 H5. apply adj_swap to H9 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H13 H11. apply adj_same_result to H14 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H15 H17. search. % parR case -- permutes down apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H10. apply adj_swap to H11 H8. apply adj_swap to H13 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H20 H12. apply adj_swap to H11 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H23 H22. apply adj_same_result to H24 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H25 H27. search. % parL case -- permutes down apply merge_unadj_3 to H8 H4. case H13. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_2_is_list to H7. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H21 *H23. apply merge_exists to *H22 *H24. apply change_merge_order to H25 H20 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H27. apply change_merge_order to H26 H17 H15. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply adj_1_is_list to H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H22 *H21. apply merge_exists to *H24 *H23. apply merge_sym to H25. apply merge_sym to H7. apply change_merge_order to H27 H20 H28. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H29. apply merge_sym to H26. apply merge_sym to H15. apply change_merge_order to H32 H17 H33. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_3_is_list to H6. apply merge_exists to H8 H9. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply merge_exists to H13 H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H6. search. % topR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H6 H4. case H8. % 1. the cut-formula is principal % Unfolds the right premise (cut-formula in the antecedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the right premise case H3 (keep). % init case case H10. case H5. case H15. % oneR case case H5. % oneL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H12. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H13. apply adj_swap to H13 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H14. apply adj_same_result to H18 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H19 H21. search. % tensorL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H14. apply adj_swap to H15 H12. apply adj_swap to H17 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H20 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H16. apply adj_swap to H15 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H27 H26. apply adj_same_result to H28 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H29 H31. search. % tensorR case apply merge_unadj_3 to H12 H5. case H17. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H13. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_2_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_sym to H20. apply change_merge_order to H27 H28 H19. apply merge_sym to *H29. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_2_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to *H31 *H32. apply merge_sym to H24. apply change_merge_order to H33 H34 H11. apply merge_sym to *H35. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H36. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H14. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_sym to H20. apply merge_sym to H19. apply change_merge_order to H27 *H28 *H29. apply merge_sym to *H30. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_1_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H33. apply merge_sym to *H24. apply merge_sym to *H11. apply change_merge_order to H34 *H35 *H36. apply merge_sym to *H37. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H38. apply merge_sym to H27. apply merge_sym to H34. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A, B, L1. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case case H10. case H5. case H14. % botR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H13. search. % parR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H15 H11. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H12. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H20. search. % parL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H17. apply merge_unadj_3 to H11 H18. case H19. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL apply adj_swap to H20 H13. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H22. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_2_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H30. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply change_merge_order to H31 H32 H21. apply merge_sym to *H33. apply adj_swap to H18 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H37 H39. apply merge_2_is_list to H12. apply merge_3_is_list to H25. apply merge_exists to *H42 *H41. apply merge_sym to *H25. apply change_merge_order to H43 H44 H12. apply merge_sym to *H45. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL apply adj_swap to H20 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H22. apply merge_1_is_list to H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_exists to *H30 *H29. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply merge_sym to *H21. apply change_merge_order to H31 H32 H33. apply merge_sym to *H34. apply adj_swap to H18 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H36 H35. apply adj_same_result to H37 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H38 H40. apply merge_3_is_list to H25. apply merge_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H42 *H43. apply merge_sym to *H25. apply merge_sym to *H12. apply change_merge_order to H44 H45 H46. apply merge_sym to *H47. apply merge_sym to *H44. apply merge_sym to *H31. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A, B, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D3, D5. search. % zeroL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H10 H5. case H12. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H16 *H14. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H13. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H11 *H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H21. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to *H12 *H13. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply adj_3_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H17 *H16. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H15. search. % withL1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H13. apply adj_swap to H14 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H16. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H15. apply adj_swap to H14 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H22 H21. apply adj_same_result to H23 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H26. search. % withL2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H13. apply adj_swap to H14 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H16. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H15. apply adj_swap to H14 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H22 H21. apply adj_same_result to H23 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H26. search. % withR case rename D2' to D4'. apply perm_sym to H16. apply adj_perm_result to H18 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H11. apply perm_sym to H17. apply adj_perm_result to H26 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H27. apply merge_unadj_1 to H30 H12. apply perm_sym to *H20. apply perm_merge_1 to H21 H34. apply perm_sym to *H28. apply perm_merge_1 to H29 H36. apply merge_perm_det to H37 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H38. apply perm_refl to *H39. apply perm_merge_1 to H33 H15. apply merge_perm_det to H41 H25. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H25. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H14 H11. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H17. search. % plusR2 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H14 H11. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H17. search. % plusL case rename G2'1 to G4'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H18. apply adj_swap to H19 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H21. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H20. apply perm_sym to H15. apply adj_perm_result to H27 H19. apply adj_swap to H28 H12. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H31. apply merge_unadj_1 to H32 H30. apply perm_merge_1 to H26 H29. apply merge_perm_det to H36 H37. apply adj_swap to H19 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H39 H26. apply adj_same_result to H40 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H41 H43. apply perm_merge_1 to H23 H16. apply perm_merge_1 to H33 H17. apply merge_perm_det to H46 H45. apply perm_2_is_list to H47. apply perm_refl to *H48. exists M, D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. % the cut-formula is not principal apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H10 *H7. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H13 *H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H15 H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H11. search. % withL1 case -- permutes down apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withL2 case -- permutes down apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H14. apply adj_swap to H15 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H16. apply perm_sym to H11. apply adj_perm_result to H23 H15. apply adj_swap to H24 H8. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H27 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H29 H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H12. apply perm_merge_2 to H28 H13. apply merge_perm_det to H34 H33. apply perm_2_is_list to H35. apply perm_refl to *H36. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H25. apply merge_perm_det to H32 H38. apply adj_swap to H15 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H40 H22. apply adj_same_result to H41 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H42 H44. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusL case apply perm_sym to H12. apply adj_perm_result to H14 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H7. apply perm_sym to H13. apply adj_perm_result to H22 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H23 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H25 H8. apply perm_merge_2 to H29 H11. apply merge_perm_det to H30 H21. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H21. apply perm_sym to *H16. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H34. apply perm_sym to *H24. apply perm_merge_2 to H26 H36. apply merge_perm_det to H37 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H38. apply perm_refl to *H39. exists M, D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A, B, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. %% 9. Atom case case H2 (keep). % init apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H7. case H8. % 1. the cut-formula is principal % Unfolds the right premise (cut-formula in the antecedent) % Each case is a possible rule applied to the right premise case H3 (keep). % init case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H12. % 1. The cut-formula is principal case H9. case H13. apply adj_3_is_list to H6. apply adj_3_is_list to H4. apply perm_refl to *H14. apply perm_refl to *H15. apply perm_merge_1_nil to H16. apply perm_merge_1_nil to H17. search. case H15. case H15. % 2. The cut-formula is not principal case H13. % oneR case case H10. case H5. % oneL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H12. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H13. apply adj_swap to H13 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H17 H14. apply adj_same_result to H18 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H19 H21. search. % tensorL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H14. apply adj_swap to H15 H12. apply adj_swap to H17 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H20 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H16. apply adj_swap to H15 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H27 H26. apply adj_same_result to H28 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H29 H31. search. % tensorR case apply merge_unadj_3 to H12 H5. case H17. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H13. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_2_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_sym to H20. apply change_merge_order to H27 H28 H19. apply merge_sym to *H29. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_2_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to *H31 *H32. apply merge_sym to H24. apply change_merge_order to H33 H34 H11. apply merge_sym to *H35. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H36. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H18. apply merge_unadj_1 to H21 H14. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H25 *H26. apply merge_sym to H20. apply merge_sym to H19. apply change_merge_order to H27 *H28 *H29. apply merge_sym to *H30. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_1_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to *H32 *H33. apply merge_sym to *H24. apply merge_sym to *H11. apply change_merge_order to H34 *H35 *H36. apply merge_sym to *H37. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H38. apply merge_sym to H27. apply merge_sym to H34. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A2, B, L1. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case case H10. case H5. case H14. % botR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H11 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H13. search. % parR case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H15 H11. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H12. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H20. search. % parL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H17. apply merge_unadj_3 to H11 H18. case H19. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL apply adj_swap to H20 H13. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H15 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H22. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_2_is_list to H11. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H30. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply change_merge_order to H31 H32 H21. apply merge_sym to *H33. apply adj_swap to H18 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H37 H39. apply merge_2_is_list to H12. apply merge_3_is_list to H25. apply merge_exists to *H42 *H41. apply merge_sym to *H25. apply change_merge_order to H43 H44 H12. apply merge_sym to *H45. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of parL apply adj_swap to H20 H14. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H16 H4 H23. apply merge_unadj_1 to H24 H22. apply merge_1_is_list to H11. apply merge_3_is_list to H28. apply merge_exists to *H30 *H29. apply merge_sym to *H28. apply merge_sym to *H21. apply change_merge_order to H31 H32 H33. apply merge_sym to *H34. apply adj_swap to H18 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H36 H35. apply adj_same_result to H37 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H38 H40. apply merge_3_is_list to H25. apply merge_1_is_list to H12. apply merge_exists to *H42 *H43. apply merge_sym to *H25. apply merge_sym to *H12. apply change_merge_order to H44 H45 H46. apply merge_sym to *H47. apply merge_sym to *H44. apply merge_sym to *H31. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A2, B, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D3, D5. search. % zeroL case apply adj_same_result_diff to H10 H5. case H12. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H16 *H14. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H13. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H11 *H20. apply merge_3_is_list to H21. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply prove_is_list to H2. apply merge_exists to *H12 *H13. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply adj_3_is_list to H10. apply merge_exists to *H17 *H16. apply merge_unadj_1 to H18 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H15. search. % withL1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H13. apply adj_swap to H14 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H16. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H15. apply adj_swap to H14 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H22 H21. apply adj_same_result to H23 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H26. search. % withL2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H13. apply adj_swap to H14 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H16. apply merge_unadj_1 to H17 H15. apply adj_swap to H14 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H22 H21. apply adj_same_result to H23 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H24 H26. search. % withR case rename D2' to D4'. apply perm_sym to H16. apply adj_perm_result to H18 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H19. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H11. apply perm_sym to H17. apply adj_perm_result to H26 H5. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H27. apply merge_unadj_1 to H30 H12. apply perm_sym to *H20. apply perm_merge_1 to H21 H34. apply perm_sym to *H28. apply perm_merge_1 to H29 H36. apply merge_perm_det to H37 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H38. apply perm_refl to *H39. apply perm_merge_1 to H33 H15. apply merge_perm_det to H41 H25. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H25. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A2, B, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H14 H11. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H17. search. % plusR2 case apply IH2 to H1 H2 H12 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_1 to H14 H11. apply add_to_merge_left to H10 H17. search. % plusL case rename G2'1 to G4'. apply adj_same_result_diff to H5 H10. case H18. apply adj_swap to H19 H11. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H13 H4 H21. apply merge_unadj_1 to H22 H20. apply perm_sym to H15. apply adj_perm_result to H27 H19. apply adj_swap to H28 H12. apply IH2 to H1 H2 H14 H4 H31. apply merge_unadj_1 to H32 H30. apply perm_merge_1 to H26 H29. apply merge_perm_det to H36 H37. apply adj_swap to H19 H10. apply add_to_merge_left to H39 H26. apply adj_same_result to H40 H5. apply perm_merge_1 to H41 H43. apply perm_merge_1 to H23 H16. apply perm_merge_1 to H33 H17. apply merge_perm_det to H46 H45. apply perm_2_is_list to H47. apply perm_refl to *H48. exists M, D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A2, B, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search. % 2. The cut-formula is not principal case H9. % oneR case case H6. case H4. case H10. % oneL case apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H4 H5. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H8. search. % tensorL case apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H7. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H8. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H16. search. % tensorR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H13. apply merge_unadj_3 to H7 H14. case H15. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H9. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to *H26 *H25. apply merge_2_is_list to H7. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H28. apply change_merge_order to H30 H24 H17. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H32 H31. apply change_merge_order to H27 H20 H8. apply adj_same_result to H33 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H34 H37. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of tensorR. apply adj_swap to H16 H10. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H19 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H21 H18. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_exists to H25 H26. apply merge_sym to H27. apply merge_3_is_list to H24. apply merge_1_is_list to H7. apply merge_exists to H29 H30. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to H17. apply change_merge_order to H31 H24 H33. apply adj_swap to H14 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H35 H34. apply adj_same_result to H36 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H37 H39. apply merge_sym to H8. apply change_merge_order to H28 H20 H41. exists L, M. split. search. search. unfold 5. exists A1, B, L1. exists D3, D5, D1'1, LL. exists G3, G5. search. % botL case case H4. % botR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H8. apply IH1 to H1 H7 H3 H9 H5. apply adj_swap to H9 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H13 H11. apply adj_same_result to H14 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H15 H17. search. % parR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H10. apply adj_swap to H11 H8. apply adj_swap to H13 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H20 H12. apply adj_swap to H11 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H23 H22. apply adj_same_result to H24 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H25 H27. search. % parL case apply merge_unadj_3 to H8 H4. case H13. % the cut-formula goes to the left premise of parL. apply IH1 to H1 H11 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H9. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_2_is_list to H7. apply merge_exists to *H21 *H22. apply change_merge_order to H23 H20 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H24. apply merge_2_is_list to H8. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_exists to *H28 *H27. apply change_merge_order to H29 H17 H15. search. % the cut-formula goes to the right premise of the parL. apply IH1 to H1 H12 H3 H14 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H16 H10. apply merge_3_is_list to H20. apply merge_1_is_list to H7. apply merge_exists to *H21 *H22. apply merge_sym to H23. apply merge_sym to H7. apply change_merge_order to H23 H20 H25. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H26. apply merge_3_is_list to H17. apply merge_1_is_list to H8. apply merge_exists to *H29 *H30. apply merge_sym to H31. apply merge_sym to H15. apply change_merge_order to H31 H17 H33. exists M, L1. split. search. search. unfold 9. exists A1, B, L. exists G3, G5, G1', LL. exists D3, D5. search. % zeroL case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply adj_3_is_list to H6. apply merge_exists to *H8 *H9. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to *H12 *H13. apply merge_unadj_2 to H10 H6. apply merge_3_is_list to H14. search. % topR case apply adj_1_is_list to H5. apply merge_exists to *H8 *H7. apply prove_is_list to H3. apply adj_1_is_list to H4. apply merge_exists to H11 H12. apply adj_same_result_diff to H6 H4. case H14. apply merge_unadj_2 to H13 H15. apply merge_3_is_list to H9. search. % withL1 case apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withL2 case apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H4 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H9 H7. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H13. search. % withR case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H14. apply adj_swap to H15 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H17 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H19 H16. apply perm_sym to H11. apply adj_perm_result to H23 H15. apply adj_swap to H24 H8. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H27 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H29 H26. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H12. apply perm_merge_2 to H28 H13. apply merge_perm_det to H34 H33. apply perm_2_is_list to H35. apply perm_refl to *H36. apply perm_merge_2 to H22 H25. apply merge_perm_det to H32 H38. apply adj_swap to H15 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H40 H22. apply adj_same_result to H41 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H42 H44. exists G5, M. split. search. search. unfold 14. exists A1, B, LL. exists LL1, D5, D6. exists G5, G6. search. % plusR1 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusR2 case apply adj_same_result_diff to H4 H6. case H9. apply adj_swap to H10 H7. apply IH1 to H1 H8 H3 H12 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H14 H11. apply adj_swap to H10 H6. apply add_to_merge_right to H18 H17. apply adj_same_result to H19 H4. apply perm_merge_2 to H20 H22. search. % plusL case apply perm_sym to H12. apply adj_perm_result to H14 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H9 H3 H15 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H17 H7. apply perm_sym to H13. apply adj_perm_result to H22 H4. apply IH1 to H1 H10 H3 H23 H5. apply merge_unadj_2 to H25 H8. apply perm_merge_2 to H29 H11. apply merge_perm_det to H30 H21. apply add_to_merge_right to H6 H21. apply perm_sym to *H16. apply perm_merge_2 to H18 H34. apply perm_sym to *H24. apply perm_merge_2 to H26 H36. apply merge_perm_det to H37 H35. apply perm_2_is_list to H38. apply perm_refl to *H39. exists M, D5. split. search. search. unfold 17. exists A1, B, LL. exists LL1, G5, G6. exists D5, D6. search.