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%% Reasoning about explicit specification logic Kind nat, tm, ty type. Kind atm, atmlist type. Type z nat. Type s nat -> nat. Type app tm -> tm -> tm. Type abs (tm -> tm) -> tm. Type arrow ty -> ty -> ty. Type nl atmlist. Type cons atm -> atmlist -> atmlist. Type eval tm -> tm -> atm. Type of tm -> ty -> atm. Type tt o. Type atom atm -> o. Type or, and o -> o -> o. Type imp atm -> o -> o. Type all (tm -> o) -> o. Type ex (tm -> o) -> o. Close nat, tm, ty. Define nat : nat -> prop by nat z ; nat (s N) := nat N. Define lt : nat -> nat -> prop by lt z (s N) ; lt (s M) (s N) := lt M N. Define prog : atm -> o -> prop by prog (eval (abs R) (abs R)) tt ; prog (eval (app P Q) V) (and (atom (eval P (abs R))) (atom (eval (R Q) V))) ; prog (of (abs R) (arrow A B)) (all x\ imp (of x A) (atom (of (R x) B))) ; prog (of (app P Q) B) (and (atom (of P (arrow A B))) (atom (of Q A))). Define mem : atm -> atmlist -> prop by mem A (cons A L) ; mem A (cons B L) := mem A L. Define seq : nat -> atmlist -> o -> prop by seq (s N) L tt ; seq (s N) L (atom A) := mem A L ; seq (s N) L (or A B) := seq N L A ; seq (s N) L (or A B) := seq N L B ; seq (s N) L (and A B) := seq N L A /\ seq N L B ; seq (s N) L (imp A B) := seq N (cons A L) B ; seq (s N) L (all G) := nabla x, seq N L (G x) ; seq (s N) L (ex G) := exists X, seq N L (G X) ; seq (s N) L (atom A) := exists B, prog A B /\ seq N L B. Theorem seq_subset : forall L1 L2 G N, seq N L1 G -> (forall X, mem X L1 -> mem X L2) -> seq N L2 G. induction on 1. intros. case H1. search. apply H2 to H3. search. apply IH to H3 H2. search. apply IH to H3 H2. search. apply IH to H3 H2. apply IH to H4 H2. search. assert forall X, mem X (cons A L1) -> mem X (cons A L2). intros. case H4. search. apply H2 to H5. search. apply IH to H3 H4. search. apply IH to H3 H2. search. apply IH to H3 H2. search. apply IH to H4 H2. search. Theorem seq_lt : forall L G N M, lt M N -> seq M L G -> seq N L G. induction on 1. intros. case H1. case H2. case H2. search. search. apply IH to H3 H4. search. apply IH to H3 H4. search. apply IH to H3 H4. apply IH to H3 H5. search. apply IH to H3 H4. search. apply IH to H3 H4. search. apply IH to H3 H4. search. apply IH to H3 H5. search. Theorem nat_lt : forall A B, nat A -> nat B -> lt A B \/ A = B \/ lt B A. induction on 1. intros. case H1. case H2. search. search. case H2. search. apply IH to H3 H4. case H5. search. search. search. Theorem seq_cut : forall K L G N M, nat N -> seq N (cons K L) G -> nat M -> seq M L (atom K) -> exists P, nat P /\ seq P L G. induction on 1. intros. case H1. case H2. case H2. search. case H6. search. % Key case: G=K search. apply IH to H5 H6 H3 H4. search. apply IH to H5 H6 H3 H4. search. apply IH to H5 H6 H3 H4. apply IH to H5 H7 H3 H4. apply nat_lt to H8 H10. case H12. apply seq_lt to H13 H9. search. search. apply seq_lt to H13 H11. search. assert forall X, mem X (cons A (cons K L)) -> mem X (cons K (cons A L)). intros. case H7. search. case H8. search. search. apply seq_subset to H6 H7. assert forall X, mem X L -> mem X (cons A L). apply seq_subset to H4 H9. apply IH to H5 H8 H3 H10. search. apply IH to H5 H6 H3 H4. search. apply IH to H5 H6 H3 H4. search. apply IH to H5 H7 H3 H4. search. %% Another important result is that nabla variablts can be treated as %% universally quantified inside of seq. That is, we can always %% instantiate them. Furthermore, this instantiation does not increase %% the proof height. Theorem mem_inst : forall L A T, nabla (x:tm), mem (A x) (L x) -> mem (A T) (L T). induction on 1. intros. case H1. search. apply IH to H2 with T = T. search. Theorem prog_inst : forall A B T, nabla (x:tm), prog (A x) (B x) -> prog (A T) (B T). intros. case H1. search. search. search. search. Theorem seq_inst : forall N L G T, nabla (x:tm), seq N (L x) (G x) -> seq N (L T) (G T). induction on 1. intros. case H1. search. apply mem_inst to H2 with T = T. search. apply IH to H2 with T = T. search. apply IH to H2 with T = T. search. apply IH to H2 with T = T. apply IH to H3 with T = T. search. apply IH to H2 with T = T. search. apply IH to H2 with T = T. search. apply IH to H2 with T = T. search. apply prog_inst to H2 with T = T. apply IH to H3 with T = T. search. Theorem lt_s : forall A B, lt A B -> lt A (s B). induction on 1. intros. case H1. search. apply IH to H2. search. Theorem sr : forall E V A M N N', nat N' -> lt N N' -> seq N nl (atom (eval E V)) -> nat M -> seq M nl (atom (of E A)) -> exists P, nat P /\ seq P nl (atom (of V A)). induction on 1. intros. case H1. case H2. case H3. case H7. case H7. search. case H8. case H5. case H11. case H11. case H12. case H2. apply lt_s to H15. case H16. case H4. case H18. apply IH to H6 H17 H9 H19 H13. case H21. case H22. case H22. case H23. case H24. apply seq_inst to H25 with T = Q. case H20. case H27. case H28. apply seq_cut to H29 H26 H19 H14. apply IH to H6 H17 H10 H30 H31. search. Define tridot : atmlist -> o -> prop by tridot L G := exists N, nat N /\ seq N L G. % lem:deriv-forward Theorem lem1 : forall L, tridot L tt. intros. search. Theorem lem2 : forall L G1 G2, tridot L G1 -> tridot L (or G1 G2). intros. case H1. search. Theorem lem3 : forall L G1 G2, tridot L G2 -> tridot L (or G1 G2). intros. case H1. search. Theorem lem4 : forall L G1 G2, tridot L G1 -> tridot L G2 -> tridot L (and G1 G2). intros. case H1. case H2. apply nat_lt to H3 H5. case H7. apply seq_lt to H8 H4. search. search. apply seq_lt to H8 H6. search. Theorem lem5 : forall L A G, tridot (cons A L) G -> tridot L (imp A G). intros. case H1. search. Theorem lem6 : forall L G, (nabla x, tridot L (G x)) -> tridot L (all G). intros. case H1. case H2. search. Theorem lem7 : forall L G T, tridot L (G T) -> tridot L (ex G). intros. case H1. search.