%% Co-Induction in Relational Semantics
%% Author: Alberto Momigliano, http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/amomigl1/
%% An encoding of:
%% Robin Milner, Mads Tofte: Co-Induction in Relational
%% Semantics. Theor. Comput. Sci. 87(1): 209-220 (1991)
%% http://www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/88/ECS-LFCS-88-65/ECS-LFCS-88-65.pdf
%% based on:
%% Alberto Momigliano, Simon Ambler: Multi-level Meta-reasoning with
%% Higher-Order Abstract Syntax. FoSSaCS 2003: 375-391
%% http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2620/26200375.htm
%% see also:
%% A Case Study of Co-induction in Isabelle HOL (1993)
%% by Jacob Frost
%% http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Kind tm,tp,val,venv,tenv type.
%% Terms
Type app tm -> tm -> tm.
Type abs tm -> tm.
Type fix tm -> tm.
Type one tm.
Type shift tm -> tm.
%% Types
Type arrow tp -> tp -> tp.
Type ground tp.
%% Environment <-> list of closure and types
Type empty venv.
Type cons val -> venv -> venv.
Type tempty tenv.
Type tcons tp -> tenv -> tenv.
%% Values <-> closure,...
Type closure venv -> tm -> val.
%% representing infinte closures
Type clo (val -> val) -> val.
Define reval: venv -> tm -> val -> prop by
reval (cons W K ) one W;
reval K (fix (abs M)) (clo c\ (closure (cons c K) (abs M)));
reval (cons W' K ) ( shift M ) W :=
reval K M W;
reval K (abs M) ( closure K (abs M) );
reval K (app M N) W :=
exists M' W', reval K M ( closure K (abs M') ) /\
reval K N W' /\
reval (cons W' K) M' W.
Define has: tenv -> tm -> tp -> prop by
has (tcons A TE ) one A;
has TE (fix M) A := has (tcons A TE) M A;
has (tcons A' TE ) ( shift M ) A :=
has TE M A;
has TE (abs M) (arrow A1 A2) :=
has (tcons A1 TE) M A2 ;
has TE (app M N) A :=
exists A', has TE M ( arrow A' A) /\
has TE N A'.
CoDefine hasty: val -> tp -> prop, hasty_env : venv -> tenv -> prop by
hasty_env empty tempty;
hasty_env (cons W K) (tcons T TE ):=
hasty_env K TE /\ hasty W T;
hasty (closure K (abs F)) A :=
exists TE, has TE (abs F) A /\ hasty_env K TE;
hasty (clo c\ (closure (cons c K) (abs M))) T:=
hasty (closure (cons
(clo c\ (closure (cons c K) (abs M)))
K) (abs M)) T.
Theorem consistency: forall Ks M W TE T,
reval Ks M W -> hasty_env Ks TE -> has TE M T -> hasty W T.
induction on 1. intros. case H1.
% one
case H3. case H2. search.
% fix
coinduction. case H3. search.
% shift
case H3. case H2. apply IH to H4 H6 H5. search.
% lam
case H3. unfold. search.
% app
case H3. apply IH to H4 H2 H7. apply IH to H5 H2 H8.
case H9. case H11. apply IH to H6 _ H13. search.