Kind name,action,proc type.
Import "ccs_core".
Import "ccs_ctx".
%%% Up-to-context technique
Define context_t : proc -> proc -> proc -> proc -> prop by
context_t P1 P2 Q1 Q2 :=
exists C, at C P2 P1 /\ at C Q2 Q1.
Theorem concat_ctx2 : forall C1 C2 P1 P2 P3 Q1 Q2 Q3,
at C1 P1 P2 -> at C2 P2 P3 ->
at C1 Q1 Q2 -> at C2 Q2 Q3 ->
exists C3, at C3 P1 P3 /\ at C3 Q1 Q3.
induction on 2. intros. case H2.
case H4. search.
case H4. apply IH to H1 H5 H3 H6. search.
case H4. apply IH to H1 H5 H3 H6. search.
case H4. apply IH to H1 H5 H3 H6. search.
case H4. apply IH to H1 H5 H3 H6. search.
case H4. apply IH to H1 H5 H3 H6. search.
Theorem context_reflexive : forall P, bisim_up_to context_t P P.
coinduction. intros. unfold.
intros. witness P1. split. search.
witness P1. witness P1. split. search. backchain CH.
intros. witness Q1. split. search.
witness Q1. witness Q1. split. search. backchain CH.
Theorem context_substitutive : substitutive_rel (bisim_up_to context_t).
unfold. coinduction. intros. unfold.
% from P
intros. apply ctx_faithful to H1 H4. case H5.
apply H7 to H2. witness RR. split. search.
witness P1. witness P2. split. search.
backchain CH.
case H3.
apply H9 to H6. apply H8 to H11. apply H14 to H2.
witness RR. split. search.
case H12.
apply concat_ctx2 to H17 H7 H18 H16.
witness P4. witness Q4. split. search. backchain CH.
apply H6 to H2. witness P3. split. search.
witness P3. witness P3. split. search.
backchain CH. backchain context_reflexive.
% from Q
intros. apply ctx_faithful to H2 H4. case H5.
apply H7 to H1. witness RR. split. search.
witness P1. witness P2. split. search.
backchain CH.
case H3.
apply H10 to H6. apply H8 to H11. apply H14 to H1.
witness RR. split. search.
case H12.
apply concat_ctx2 to H17 H16 H18 H7.
witness P4. witness Q4. split. search. backchain CH.
apply H6 to H1. witness Q3. split. search.
witness Q3. witness Q3. split. search.
backchain CH. backchain context_reflexive.
Theorem context_sound : is_sound context_t.
apply context_substitutive. case H1. rename H2 to cs_lemma.
unfold. coinduction. intros. case H3. unfold.
% from P
intros. apply H4 to H6.
witness Q2. split. search. witness P1. witness Q2. split. search.
case H8. apply cs_lemma to H10 H11 H9. backchain CH.
% from Q
intros. apply H5 to H6.
witness P2. split. search. witness P2. witness Q1. split. search.
case H8. apply cs_lemma to H10 H11 H9. backchain CH.