% An Example of Bisimilation Checking for the pi-calculus
% This is a machine-checked proof of Example 28 in the paper:
% `Proof Search Specifications of Bisimulation and Modal Logic for
% the pi-calculus' by Alwen Tiu and Dale Miller.
% Specifically, it shows that a certain pair of processes (defined by
% p and q below) are bisimilar.
% This is done by proving that a certain set containing p and q,
% specified by the predicate inv below, encodes a bisimulation set.
% The proof is checked using the Abella interactive prover, which is an
% implementation of a logic called G. G is an extension of the logic LINC,
% but the proof below uses only features of LINC.
% The Abella prover and documentation can be downloaded from
% https://abella-prover.org/
Specification "pic".
% Co-inductive definition of bisimulation
CoDefine bisim : p -> p -> prop by
bisim P Q :=
(forall A P1, {one P A P1} -> exists Q1, {one Q A Q1} /\ bisim P1 Q1) /\
(forall X M, {oneb P (dn X) M} -> exists N, {oneb Q (dn X) N} /\
(forall w, bisim (M w) (N w)) ) /\
(forall X M, {oneb P (up X) M} -> exists N, {oneb Q (up X) N} /\
nabla w, bisim (M w) (N w)) /\
(forall A Q1, {one Q A Q1} -> exists P1, {one P A P1} /\ bisim Q1 P1) /\
(forall X N, {oneb Q (dn X) N} -> exists M, {oneb P (dn X) M} /\
(forall w, bisim (N w) (M w))) /\
(forall X N, {oneb Q (up X) N} -> exists M, {oneb P (up X) M} /\
nabla w, bisim (N w) (M w)).
Type a n.
Type x n.
% Definition of two processes
Define p : p -> prop by
p (bang (nu z\ par (out z a null) (in z (y\ out x y null)))).
Define q : p -> prop by
q (bang (taup (out x a null))).
% Inductive definition of the invariant set.
Define inv : p -> p -> prop by
inv P Q := p P /\ q Q ;
inv Q P := q Q /\ p P ;
inv (par (nu z\ par null null) M) (par null N) := inv M N ;
inv (par null N) (par (nu z\ par null null) M) := inv N M ;
inv (par (nu z\ par null (out x a null)) M) (par (out x a null) N) := inv M N ;
inv (par (out x a null) N) (par (nu z\ par null (out x a null)) M) := inv N M.
% Bisim substituted with inv:
Define bisimInv : p -> p -> prop by
bisimInv P Q :=
(forall A P1, {one P A P1} -> exists Q1, {one Q A Q1} /\ inv P1 Q1) /\
(forall X M, {oneb P (dn X) M} -> exists N, {oneb Q (dn X) N} /\
(forall w, inv (M w) (N w)) ) /\
(forall X M, {oneb P (up X) M} -> exists N, {oneb Q (up X) N} /\
nabla w, inv (M w) (N w)) /\
(forall A Q1, {one Q A Q1} -> exists P1, {one P A P1} /\ inv Q1 P1) /\
(forall X N, {oneb Q (dn X) N} -> exists M, {oneb P (dn X) M} /\
(forall w, inv (N w) (M w))) /\
(forall X N, {oneb Q (up X) N} -> exists M, {oneb P (up X) M} /\
nabla w, inv (N w) (M w)).
% Half of bisimInv
% We'll use this and the symmetry of inv to reduce case analysis in
% the main theorem (inv-bisim) below.
Define simInv : p -> p -> prop by
simInv P Q :=
(forall A P1, {one P A P1} -> exists Q1, {one Q A Q1} /\ inv P1 Q1) /\
(forall X M, {oneb P (dn X) M} -> exists N, {oneb Q (dn X) N} /\
(forall w, inv (M w) (N w)) ) /\
(forall X M, {oneb P (up X) M} -> exists N, {oneb Q (up X) N} /\
nabla w, inv (M w) (N w)).
% The set encoded by inv is symmetric.
Theorem inv-sym:
forall P Q, inv P Q -> inv Q P.
induction on 1.
case H1. search. search.
apply IH to H2. search.
apply IH to H2. search.
apply IH to H2. search.
apply IH to H2. search.
% Two simInvs make a bisimInv.
Theorem sim-bisim:
forall P Q, simInv P Q -> simInv Q P -> bisimInv P Q.
case H1. case H2. unfold.
intros. apply H3 to H9. exists Q2. search.
intros. apply H4 to H9. exists N. search.
intros. apply H5 to H9. exists (w\ N w). search.
intros. apply H6 to H9. exists Q2. search.
intros. apply H7 to H9. exists N1. search.
intros. apply H8 to H9. exists N1. search.
Set subgoals off.
Theorem inv-sim:
forall P Q, inv P Q -> simInv P Q.
induction on 1.
case H1. case H2. case H3.
case H4. case H5. case H6. case H7. case H7. case H7. case H7. case H7.
case H7. case H8. case H9.
exists (par (out x a null) (bang (taup (out x a null)))). search.
case H5. case H6. case H7. case H8. case H9.
case H10. case H10. case H9. case H10. case H10.
case H5. case H6. case H7. case H8. case H9.
case H9. case H8. case H9. case H9. case H6.
case H7. case H8. case H9. case H9. case H8.
case H9. case H9.
intros. case H4.
case H5. case H6. case H7. case H7.
intros. case H4.
case H5. case H6. case H7. case H7.
case H6. case H7. case H7.
case H2. case H3.
case H4. case H5.
exists (par (nu z\ par null (out x a null)) (bang (nu z\ par (out z a null) (in z (y\ out x y null))))).
case H5. case H5.
intros. case H4. case H5.
intros. case H4. case H5.
% inductive cases
case H3. case H4. case H5. case H6. case H6.
case H6. case H6. case H6. case H6.
apply IH to H2.
case H5.
apply H6 to H4.
exists (par null Q2).
case H4. case H6. case H7. case H7.
case H4. case H6. case H7. case H7.
case H6. case H7. case H7.
case H4. case H7. case H8. case H8.
case H5. case H7. case H8. case H8.
case H3. case H4. case H5. case H6. case H6.
apply IH to H2.
case H5.
apply H7 to H4.
exists (w\ par null (N2 w)).
split. search.
apply H10 with w = w.
case H3.
case H4. case H5. case H6. case H6. case H5. case H6. case H6.
apply IH to H2. case H5.
apply H8 to H4.
exists (w\ par null (N2 w)).
intros. case H3. case H4.
apply IH to H2. case H5.
apply H6 to H4.
exists (par (nu z\ par null null) Q2).
case H4. case H4. case H4. case H5.
intros. case H3. case H4.
apply IH to H2. case H5.
apply H7 to H4.
exists (w\ par (nu z\ par null null) (N2 w)).
split. search. intros. apply H10 with w = w. search.
case H3. case H4.
apply IH to H2. case H5.
apply H8 to H4.
exists (w\ par (nu z\ par null null) (N2 w)).
apply IH to H2.
case H4. case H5. case H6. case H7.
case H7.
exists (par null N). search.
case H7. case H7. case H7. case H8.
case H3.
apply H6 to H5.
exists (par (out x a null) Q2).
case H5. case H7. case H8. case H8.
case H5. case H7. case H8. case H8.
case H7. case H8. case H8.
case H5. case H8. case H9.
case H9. case H6. case H8. case H9.
case H9. case H7.
case H3.
apply H11 to H5.
exists (par null (N1 a)).
split. search.
apply H14 with w = a. search.
case H4. case H5. case H6. case H7. case H7.
case H3.
apply H7 to H5.
exists (w\ par (out x a null) (N2 w)).
split. search.
intros. apply H10 with w = w. search.
intros. case H4. case H5. case H6. case H7. case H7. case H6. case H7.
case H7.
case H3.
apply H8 to H5.
exists (w\ par (out x a null) (N2 w)). search.
intros. case H3. case H4.
exists (par (nu z\ par null null) M). search.
apply IH to H2. case H5.
apply H6 to H4.
exists (par (nu z\ par null (out x a null)) Q2). search.
case H4. case H4. case H4. case H5. case H6.
apply IH to H2.
case H7. apply H9 to H4.
exists (par (nu z\ par null null) (N1 a)).
apply H12 with w = a. search.
intros. case H3. case H4.
apply IH to H2.
case H5.
apply H7 to H4.
exists (w\ par (nu z\ par null (out x a null)) (N2 w)).
split. search. intros. apply H10 with w = w. search.
intros. case H3. case H4.
apply IH to H2. case H5.
apply H8 to H4.
exists (w\ par (nu z\ par null (out x a null)) (N2 w)).
% The set defined by inv is a post-fixed point of bisim.
Theorem inv-bisim:
forall R T, inv R T -> bisimInv R T.
assert simInv R T.
apply inv-sim to H1. search.
assert simInv T R.
apply inv-sym to H1.
apply inv-sim to H3. search.
apply sim-bisim to H2 H3. search.
% The set defined by inv is included in the greatest bisimulation.
Theorem inv-implies-bisim:
forall P Q, inv P Q -> bisim P Q.
apply inv-bisim to H1.
case H2.
apply H4 to H3.
exists Q2.
apply CH to H11. search.
case H2. apply H5 to H3.
exists N. split. search.
intros. apply H11 with w = w.
apply CH to H12. search.
case H2. apply H6 to H3.
exists N.
apply CH to H11. search.
case H2. apply H7 to H3.
exists P2.
apply CH to H11. search.
case H2. apply H8 to H3.
exists M.
split. search. intros.
apply H11 with w = w.
apply CH to H12. search.
case H2. apply H9 to H3.
exists M.
apply CH to H11.
% p and q are bisimilar
Theorem p-bisim-q:
forall P Q, p P -> q Q -> bisim P Q.
assert inv P Q.
apply inv-implies-bisim to H3. search.
% bisim is symmetric
Theorem bisim-sym:
forall P Q, bisim P Q -> bisim Q P.
case H1.
intros. apply H5 to H8. search.
case H1.
apply H7 to H2.
exists M1. split. search. search.
case H1.
apply H8 to H2.
case H1.
apply H2 to H8. search.
case H1.
apply H3 to H8. search.
case H1.
apply H4 to H8.
% bisim is reflexive
Theorem bisim-refl:
forall P, bisim P P.
apply CH with P = P1. search.
exists M.
split. search.
apply CH with P = (M w). search.
exists M. split. search.
intros. apply CH with P = (M n1). search.
intros. apply CH with P = Q1. search.
intros. exists N. split. search.
intros. apply CH with P = (N w). search.
intros. exists N. split. search.
intros. apply CH with P = (N n1).