%% POPLmark 1a: Reflexivity and transitivity for Fsub
Specification "poplmark-1a".
% We use nominal constants to represent type variable names. This predicate
% recognizes such nominal constants.
Define name : ty -> prop by
nabla x, name x.
% ctx defines the context in which subtyping judgements are made
Define ctx : olist -> prop by
ctx nil ;
ctx (bound X U :: L) := name X /\ ctx L.
% cty defines valid closed types (used for reflexivity)
Define cty : olist -> ty -> prop by
cty L top ;
cty L X := exists U, member (bound X U) L ;
cty L (arrow T1 T2) := cty L T1 /\ cty L T2 ;
cty L (all T1 T2) :=
cty L T1 /\ nabla x, cty (bound x T1 :: L) (T2 x).
% ty defines valid open types (used for transitivity)
Define ty : ty -> prop by
ty top ;
nabla x, ty x ;
ty (arrow T1 T2) := ty T1 /\ ty T2 ;
ty (all T1 T2) := ty T1 /\ nabla x, ty (T2 x).
Theorem sub_refl : forall L T,
cty L T -> {L |- sub T T}.
induction on 1. intros. case H1.
apply IH to H2. apply IH to H3. search.
apply IH to H2. apply IH to H3. search.
Theorem ctx_member : forall E L,
ctx L -> member E L -> exists X U, E = bound X U /\ name X.
induction on 2. intros. case H2.
case H1. search.
case H1. apply IH to H5 H3. search.
Theorem bound_name : forall L X U,
ctx L -> {L |- bound X U} -> name X.
intros. case H2.
apply ctx_member to H1 H4. case H3. search.
Theorem sub_top : forall L T,
ctx L -> {L |- sub top T} -> T = top.
intros. case H2.
apply bound_name to H1 H3. case H5.
apply ctx_member to H1 H4. case H3.
Theorem dual_theorem : forall Q, ty Q ->
(forall L S T, ctx L ->
{L |- sub S Q} -> {L |- sub Q T} -> {L |- sub S T})
(forall L P X TM TN,
ctx (bound X Q :: L) -> {L |- sub P Q} ->
{L, bound X Q |- sub TM TN} -> {L, bound X P |- sub TM TN}).
% The proof is by induction on the type Q.
% For transitivity there is a nested induction on {L |- sub S Q}
% For narrowing there is a nested induction on {L, bound X Q |- sub TM TN}
induction on 1. intros. split*.
% split* lets us use the transitivity result for Q while proving narrowing
% Proof of transitivity
% Induction and case analysis on {L |- S <: Q}
induction on 2. intros. case H3.
% SA-Top, Q = top
apply sub_top to H2 H4. search.
% SA-Refl-TVar, S = Q
% SA-Trans-TVar
apply IH1 to H2 H6 H4. search.
% SA-Arrow, S = arrow S1 S2, Q = arrow T1 T2
% Case analysis on (arrow T1 T2) <: T
case H4.
% SA-Top, T = top
% SA-Refl-TVar, absurd since (arrow T1 T2) is not a type variable
apply bound_name to H2 H7. case H8.
% SA-Trans-TVar, absurd since (arrow T1 T2) is not a type variable
apply bound_name to H2 H7. case H9.
% SA-Arrow, T = arrow T3 T4
% Inductively use transitivity based on T1 and T2
case H1. apply IH to H9.
apply IH to H10.
apply H11 to H2 H7 H5.
apply H13 to H2 H6 H8.
apply ctx_member to H2 H8. case H7.
% SA-All, S = all S1 (x\ S2 x), Q = all T1 (x\ T2 x)
case H4.
% SA-Top, T = top
% SA-Refl-TVar, absurd since (arrow T1 T2) is not a type variable
apply bound_name to H2 H7. case H8.
% SA-Trans-TVar, absurd since (arrow T1 T2) is not a type variable
apply bound_name to H2 H7. case H9.
% SA-All, T = all T3 (x\ T4 x)
% Inductively use transitivity and narrowing based on T1
% Inductively use transitivity based on T2
case H1. apply IH to H9.
apply IH to H10.
apply H11 to H2 H7 H5.
apply H12 to _ H7 H6 with X = n1.
apply H13 to _ H16 H8.
apply ctx_member to H2 H8. case H7.
apply ctx_member to H2 H6. case H5.
% Proof of narrowing
% Induction and case analysis on {L, X:Q |- TM <: TN}
induction on 3. intros. case H5 (keep).
% SA-Top, TN = top
% SA-Refl-TVar, TM = TN, either TM = X or TM is bound in L
case H6. case H8.
case H7. search.
case H3. apply ctx_member to H11 H9. case H7. search.
% SA-Trans-TVar
case H6. case H9. case H8.
% TM = X
% Use transitivity result established for Q
apply IH1 to H3 H4 H7.
case H3.
apply H2 to _ H4 H10. search.
% TM is bound in L
% Use inner inductive hypothesis
apply IH1 to H3 H4 H7.
case H3. apply ctx_member to H13 H10. case H8. search.
% SA-Arrow, TM = arrow S1 S2, TN = arrow T1 T2
% Use inner inductive hypothesis
apply IH1 to H3 H4 H6. apply IH1 to H3 H4 H7. search.
% SA-All, TM = all S1 (x\ S2 x), TN = all T1 (x\ T2 x)
% Use inner inductive hypothesis
apply IH1 to H3 H4 H6.
assert ctx (bound X Q :: bound n1 T1 :: L). case H3. search.
apply IH1 to H9 H4 H7. search.
apply ctx_member to H3 H7. case H6.
% We can extract the transitivity result from the generalized theorem
Theorem transitivity : forall L Q S T,
ctx L -> ty Q -> {L |- sub S Q} -> {L |- sub Q T} -> {L |- sub S T}.
intros. apply dual_theorem to H2.
apply H5 to H1 H3 H4. search.