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Abella: Reference Guide

Please Note

This document is not intend to be a tutorial or introduction to Abella. For that, we suggest you read the walkthrough of an example session in Abella. This document is intended as a reference for more details on specific features of Abella.

Table of Contents

  1. Syntax
  2. Top-level Commands
  3. Tactics
  4. Lemmas
  5. Typing
  6. Built-in Constructors and Definitions
  7. Inductive Restrictions
  8. Co-inductive Restrictions
  9. Mutual Induction
  10. Apply with Unknowns
  11. Specification Modularity
  12. Compilation and Importing
  13. Emacs Support


The syntax of formulas in Abella supports the following constructs,

forall A B C, ...
exists A B C, ...
nabla a b c, ...
F1 /\ F2 (and)
F1 \/ F2 (or)
F1 -> F2 (implies)
pred t1 t2 t3 (meta level predicate)
{pred t1 t2 t3} (specification level predicate)
{hyp t1, hyp t2 |- pred t3 t4 t5}    (specification level predicate with context)
{hyp t1, hyp t2, [hyp t3] |- pred t4 t5 t6}    (specification level predicate that backchains on a formula in the context)

Nominal constants are denoted by n1, n2, ...

Names for objects such as theorems, variables, and constants can be any character string which begins with a letter or one of the symbols -/^><=`'?$~, followed by any other letters, symbols from the previous list, digits, or symbols from _*@+#~!&.

For those who aren't familiar with the logic

One way to think about the different level of predicates is that everything inside of {...} is at the specification level while things outside are at the reasoning level. For typical reasoning tasks, almost every predicate will be at the specification level, except for a few reasoning level predicates to describe the structure of contexts for specification predicates.

Nominal constants and the nabla quantifier can be roughly thought of as representing "names."

Comments can be inserted using % for single-line comments and /* ... */ for multi-line comments. This latter form of comments can be nested.

Top-level commands

Theorem <THM-NAME> : <FORMULA>.
Puts the prover in proving mode with the given formula as the goal.
Define <PRED> : <TYPE>, ..., <PRED> : <TYPE> by <CLAUSE> ; ... ; <CLAUSE>.
Inductively defines the given predicates at the given types using the given clauses.

The define command can be used used with nabla in the definition head. See here for an example.

In order to guarantee that the logic underlying Abella is consistent, definitions must be stratified in some sense. Stratification is only a concern when definitions have an implication in their body. If there is such an implication, then the predicates occurring in the premise of such an implication are said to occur negatively in that definition. Stratification implies that before one defined predicate, say P, can be used in a negative fashion in the definition of another predicate, say Q, it should be the case that P has been completely defined before using it in the definition of Q. For example, if the body of the definition of P contains a negative occurrence of P, this definition would not be stratified. Similarly, if predicates P and Q are defined by a mutual recursion, and one of these predicates is used negatively in the body of either predicate definition, then this definition would not be stratified. While various stratification conditions are possible, the system does not currently enforce any of these conditions since most conditions seem too restrictive in some settings. Abella will attempt a simple check for the stratification of definitions and if that simple check does not succeed, the definition will be allowed, but a warning will be printed. For more about stratification, see the paper Nominal abstraction, where a simple stratification condition is defined and shown to lead to a consistent (but constrained) logic. See page 16 of the overview article for a proof in Abella of false if one ignores stratification warnings. Tait's logical relation argument uses a definition that does not satisfy Abella's current stratification checker but can be considered stratified by more sophisticated criteria.
CoDefine <PRED> : <TYPE>, ..., <PRED> : <TYPE> by <CLAUSE> ; ... ; <CLAUSE>.
This is the same as Define but introduces co-inductively defined predicates.

As with the Define command, the CoDefine command can be used with nabla in the definition head and all definitions must be stratified.
This command reads in the specification indicated by the given filename prefix. The extension .sig is automatically added to the provided prefix when looking for the specification signature and .mod when looking for the specification module. If this command is used it must be the first command used in the development because the logic is essentially parameterized by this specification.
This command imports the definitions and theorems from a compiled Abella theorem file. The extension .thc is automatically added to the provided prefix. See Compilation and Importing for more information.
Query <FORMULA>.
This command attempts to find a proof of the given formula by applying a basic Prolog-like search strategy. Unbound capitalized variables are treated as existentially quantified, and their values are displayed for each solution which is found. This command is useful for animating definitions or specification clauses.

Note that this command is not complete in the sense that if a query fails, it does not mean that it is not provable. It only means that the proof search strategy used has failed to find a solution.
Split <THM-NAME> as <NAME-1>, ..., <NAME-n>.
Split <THM-NAME>.
This command splits a mutually inductive theorem into individual pieces using the names given or using automatic naming if names are not specified. For example, with theorem (forall N, {even N} -> {nat N}) /\ (forall N, {odd N} -> {nat N}) this creates the theorems forall N, {even N} -> {nat N} and forall N, {odd N} -> {nat N}.
Set the value of various options at run-time. This command can also be used during proof construction. Possible options and values are listed below.

Option: subgoals

This option determines how subgoals are displayed. If set to 'on' then all subgoals are printed (default). If set to 'off' then no subgoals are printed.

For more fine-grained control, this option can be set to a numeric value. This value determines what level of related subgoals are displayed. For example, suppose we have the following subgoal hierarchy and we are currently working on subgoal 1.1.1.
     Subgoal 1.1.1
     Subgoal 1.1.2
     Subgoal 1.1.3
     Subgoal 1.1.4

   Subgoal 1.2
   Subgoal 1.3

 Subgoal 2
If this option is set to 1 then only subgoals 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.1.4 will be displayed. If this option is set to 2 then only subgoals 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.2, and 1.3 will be displayed. If set to 3 then all subgoals would be displayed. Note that setting this option to 0 is equivalent to 'off', while setting it to a very large number is equivalent to 'on'.

Option: witnesses

This can be set to either 'on' or 'off' (default). If set to 'on' then a search witness is printed after each successful use of the search tactic.

Option: search_depth

This option determines the default depth used by the search tactic and all other tactics which implicitly use search. The initial value is 5.

Option: debug

This can be set to either 'on' or 'off' (default). If set to 'on' then some debugging information is displayed that may be useful, for example, to determine why unification fails.
Show <THM-NAME>.
Displays a previously proved theorem. This command can be used during proof construction.
Exits from Abella. This command can be used during proof construction.
Close <TYPE-1>, ..., <TYPE-n>.
Declares as closed the set of types which are subordinate to the types TYPE-1, ..., TYPE-n. See subordination for more information.


There are three categories of tactics.

General tactics

induction on <NUM>.
Given a goal of the form forall A B C, H1 -> H2 -> H3 -> G the induction tactic allows you to induct on one of H1, H2, or H3. The hypothesis to be inducted on must be inductively defined. The choice of induction is based on the number <NUM>. Applying the induction tactic results in an inductive hypothesis being added to the current set of hypotheses. Specifics on this inductive hypothesis and how it relates to the goal are given in the section Inductive Restrictions.
Abella supports nested induction through repeated calls to the induction tactic. See the Inductive Restrictions section for more details.
Given a goal of the form forall A B C, H1 -> H2 -> H3 -> G the coinduction tactic allows you to use co-induction on G, which must be a coinductively defined predicate. Applying the coinduction tactic results in a co-inductive hypothesis being added to the current set of hypotheses. Specifics on this co-inductive hypothesis and how it relates to the goal are given in the section Co-inductive Restrictions.
Given a goal of the form forall A B C, H1 -> H2 -> G the intros tactic introduces three new eigenvariables A, B, and C and adds H1 and H2 to the hypotheses. The new goal is G.
case <HYP NAME>.
The case tactic performs case analysis on a hypothesis. The tactic also removes the hypothesis from the hypothesis list. To keep it, use the keep flag, e.g. case H3 (keep). See here for an example of where keeping a hypothesis is convenient.
search <NUM>.
The search tactic tries to prove the current goal by repeatedly unfolding the goal and looking in the list of hypotheses. When the goal is a specification level judgment, this corresponds very much to the executable search semantics of the specification logic. The maximum depth of search is specified by <NUM> and defaults to 5.

The Set command can be used to display search witnesses on successful uses of this tactic. It can also be used to configure the default maximum search depth.
apply <HYP NAME> to <HYP NAMES>.
apply <HYP NAME> to <HYP NAMES> with X1 = T1, ..., Xn = Tn.
apply <HYP NAME>.
apply <HYP NAME> with X1 = T1, ..., Xn = Tn.
The apply tactic applies a hypothesis of the form forall A1 ... Ai, nabla z1 ... zj, H1 -> ... -> Hk -> G to argument hypotheses which match H1, ..., Hk. The result is an instantiation of G. Either or both of i and j may be zero, that is there need not be forall or nabla quantified variables. The with clause allows specific instantiations of any of the variables A1 ... Ai and z1 ... zj. If the to clause is omitted then the applied hypothesis is simply added as another hypothesis. This is useful for instantiating forall quantifiers in a hypothesis or for extracting individual results from a larger result proved with Mutual Induction. In the latter case, the Split command may provide a more convenient alternative.

A previously proved theorem can be used instead of the first hypothesis, and then this acts like using a lemma. This tactic also triggers some basic case analysis on the resulting hypothesis.

A useful feature of apply is that not all of its arguments have to be available. See the section Apply with Unknowns for more information.
backchain <HYP NAME>.
backchain <HYP NAME> with X1 = T1, ..., Xn = Tn.
The backchain tactics is dual to the apply tactic. That is, it takes a hypothesis of the form forall A1 ... Ai, nabla z1 ... zj, H1 -> ... -> Hk -> G and tries to match G with the current goal. If the match is successful, the current goal is replaced with a subgoal for each of H1, ..., Hk, and Abella applies the search tactic to each of these subgoals (thus finishing the trivial subgoals).
The unfold tactic attempts to unfold the current goal by matching it against its possible definitions. The first definition to match is the one used.
assert <FORMULA>.
The assert tactic changes the current goal to the given formula and once that is proven it comes back to the original goal, but with the given formula as a hypothesis. If the asserted formula can be solved by the search tactic, this is done so automatically.

This tactic is useful for when the prover is doing a poor job with, for example, the search tactic. Using assert allows you to "hold the prover's hand" to get to your desired goal. Future improvements to the search tactic will therefore lessen the need for this tactic.
witness <TERM>.
exists <TERM>.
Given a goal of the form exists A, ... the witness tactic instantiates A with the given term. Historically, this tactic has also been called exists but it seems better to eventually deprecate that name since it is also the name of the logical quantifier.
Given a goal of the form G1 /\ G2 /\ ... /\ Gn the split tactic creates the n subgoals G1, G2, ..., Gn. If split* is used instead of split, the later subgoals will accumulate the previous subgoals as hypotheses.
Given a goal of the form G1 \/ G2 the left tactic changes the goal to G1.
Given a goal of the form G1 \/ G2 the right tactic changes the goal to G2.
permute (Z1 Z2 ... Zn) <HYP NAME>.
permute (Z1 Z2 ... Zn).
This tactic permutes the nominal constants Z1, ..., Zn. The specified hypothesis is replaced by the permuted version. If no hypothesis is specified, then the permutation is applied to the goal.

Specification logic tactics

inst <HYP NAME> with <VAR> = <TERM>.
Given a hypothesis of the form {... <VAR> ...} where <VAR> is a nominal constant, the inst tactic creates the hypothesis {... <TERM> ...}. Thus this tactic implements a meta-level substitution property of the specification logic. See subject reduction here for an example.
cut <HYP NAME> with <HYP NAME>.
cut <HYP NAME>.
cut (<TERM>) from <HYP NAME> with <HYP NAME>.
Given hypotheses of the form {L1, A |- C} and {L2 |- A} with L1 and L2 possibly empty, the cut tactic creates the hypothesis {L1, L2 |- C}. This corresponds to meta-level cut property of the specification logic. See subject reduction here for an example. When used without a 'with' argument, the search tactic is used to find possible hypotheses to cut from the given specification judgment. The last form of cut specifies an explicit term to be cut from the context, which is useful when the hypothesis to be cut with is normalized and its goal formula is not the desired one to be cut from the context.
monotone <HYP NAME> with <TERM>.
Given a hypothesis of the form {L |- C} and the term K, the monotone tactic adds the new hypothesis {K |- C} to the current subgoal and creates a new subgoal with the obligation forall X, member X L -> member X K. This corresponds to meta-level monotonicity property of contexts in the specification logic. Typically, this tactic does not need to be used explicitly since Abella incorporates some notions of monotonicity into its unification procedures.

Proof state manipulation tactics

The undo tactic undoes the previous tactic. This can be used repeatedly.
The skip tactic skips the current subgoal completely. This is logically unsound, but very convenient during proof development and exploration.
The abort tactic gives up on the current theorem and returns the user to the top-level.
clear <HYP NAME> ... <HYP NAME>.
clear -> <HYP NAME> ... <HYP NAME> <VAR NAME> ... <VAR NAME>.
In the form of the first line, clear simply removes the given hypotheses. In the form of the second line, the named hypotheses and the named variables are returned to the goal as universally quantified implications. For example, if the proof state is
Variables: X Y
H1 : X = Y
 Y = X
then the tactic clear -> H1 Y. yields the following proof state.
Variables: X
 forall Y, X = Y -> Y = X
unabbrev <HYP NAME>.
The abbrev tactic the abbreviates the display of the indicated hypothesis to be whatever string is provided. The unabbrev tactic reverses this.


Abella's specification and reasoning logics are both simply-typed. All terms and formulas in these logics must be well-typed.

Built-in types

Abella has the following built-in types:

Specification logic typing

When Abella reads in a specification it expects to find a signature file which describes the types and constants used in the specification. For example, consider the following signature for a specification called "eval":

sig eval.

kind    tm, ty                 type.

type    app                    tm -> tm -> tm.
type    abs                    (tm -> tm) -> tm.

type    i                      ty.
type    arrow                  ty -> ty -> ty.

type    of                     tm -> ty -> o.
type    eval, step, nstep      tm -> tm -> o.

This signature introduces two types called tm and ty. It also introduces the constructors app, abs, i, and arrow for terms of those types. Finally it introduces the constructors of, eval, step, and nstep for atomic specification logic formulas (which will be used to represent judgments from the object system being specified).

Types in the specification logic are not allowed to mention olist or prop. Specification logic quantification over type o is not allowed. Polymorphism is not allowed in Abella. Thus all types must be fully inferred. In order to achieve this, it may be necessary to introduce type annotations on variables, e.g., using x:t to denote that the variable occurrence x has the type t or using x:t\ ... to denote that the abstracted variable x has type t.

Reasoning logic typing

All specification logic types and constants are implicitly mapped to corresponding (and identically named) types and constants in the reasoning logic. Additional types and constants as shown below.

Kind    nat    type.

Type    z      nat.
Type    s      nat -> nat.

The types for defined predicates are specified when such predicates are defined. For example,

Define lt : nat -> nat -> prop by
  lt z (s N);
  lt (s M) (s N) := lt M N.

Quantification over type prop is not allowed. Polymorphism is not allowed in Abella. Thus all types must be fully inferred. In order to achieve this, it may be necessary to introduce type annotations on variables, e.g., using (x:t) to denote that a variable binding for x (say in a "forall") has type t, using x:t to denote that the variable occurrence x has the type t, or using x:t\ ... to denote that the abstracted variable x has type t.


Abella uses raising to encode dependency information between terms. For example, in the term R N, R must be a lambda term into which N will be substituted. However, sometimes the term R has a vacuous lambda abstraction so that it really does not depend on N. More generally, the type of R may enforce this vacuity. For instance if R has type tm -> nat and we know that there is no way to construct a term of type nat using a term of type tm, then we should be able to conclude that R is a vacuous lambda abstraction. Subordination is how Abella tracks such dependency and non-dependency information so that vacuity information can be automatically used during reasoning.

For atomic types a and b, we say that a is subordinate to b and write a <| b if it is possible for a term of type a to appear within a term of type b. Subordination is necessarily reflexive and transitive. We extend subordination to non-atomic types by saying that t is subordinate to s if the target type of t is subordinate to the target type of s.

Abella automatically computes the subordination relation between types by examining the types of declared constants. When Abella sees a constant declared with type t1 -> ... -> tn -> a where a is an atomic type, it infers that we must have t1 <| a, ..., tn <| a, and it examines each of t1, ..., tn for further subordination constraints.

The Close command declares that the set of subordinates of the provided types is fixed. This allows Abella to determine that certain dependencies are vacuous. In particular, if the type a is not subordinate to the type b where b is closed then Abella knows that no term of type a can appear inside a term of type b. Furthermore, Abella will not allow a degenerate type like a -> b to even be formed. Note that for a type to be declared closed, it must be that all of its subordinates are also closed due to the transitivity of subordination.

Consider the following commands as an example:

Kind    tm, ty                 type.

Type    app                    tm -> tm -> tm.
Type    lam                    ty -> (tm -> tm) -> tm.

Type    i                      ty.
Type    arrow                  ty -> ty -> ty.

Close   tm, ty.

From these commands, Abella infers the following subordination relation: ty <| ty, ty <| tm, and tm <| tm. Thus, Abella knows that a term of type ty can appear inside terms of type tm and ty, whereas a term of type tm can appear inside terms of type tm, but not inside terms of type ty.

The types o, olist, and prop cannot be declared closed for modularity reasons: we always want to be able to add more predicates and definitions.

Built-in Constructors and Definitions

In addition to the treatment of the specification logic via {_ |- _}, Abella assumes the following predefined constants and definitions.

Type   nil     olist.
Type   ::      o -> olist -> olist.

Define member : o -> olist -> prop by
  member A (A :: L);
  member A (B :: L) := member A L.

Note that :: is treated as infix.

Inductive Restrictions

Inductive restrictions are represented by * (smaller) and @ (equal). They are used to track the size of inductive arguments rather than using explicit numeric values. For example, suppose we apply induction on 1. when trying to prove the following subject reduction theorem,

  forall E V T, {eval E V} -> {of E T} -> {of V T}

We will get the following proof state.

  IH : forall E V T, {eval E V}* -> {of E T} -> {of V T}
   forall E V T, {eval E V}@ -> {of E T} -> {of V T}

Here we have an inductive hypothesis where the inductive argument is flagged with *. This means that we can only apply that hypothesis to an argument which also has the *. Because * means smaller, in order to get an argument with a * we must perform case analysis on an argument that is "equal" which we denote by @. Thus the above proof proceeds by first doing "intros." and then case analysis on {eval E V}@. This will give us two subgoals, one which is trivial and the other which has hypotheses tagged with * and thus eligible for use with the inductive hypothesis.

Nested induction

Abella supports nested induction through repeated calls to the induction tactic. For example, suppose we have a goal such as

outer -> inner -> result.

If we apply induction on 1 followed by induction on 2 we get the following proof state.

  IH : outer * -> inner -> result
  IH' : outer @ -> inner ** -> result
   outer @ -> inner @@ -> result

The outer inductive hypothesis IH can be used like normal. It ignores the flags @@ and **. The inner inductive hypothesis IH' checks two things when applied: that whatever is given for outer has a tag of @ or *, and whatever is used for inner has a tag of **.

See here for a real usage of nested induction.

Inductive restrictions on the goal

When the backchain tactic is used with an inductive hypothesis, the generated subgoals may have goals containing inductive restrictions. Such inductively restricted goals can only be proved by matching them with a corresponding hypothesis (via the search tactic). In all other ways, the goals are inert.

Co-inductive Restrictions

Co-inductive restrictions are used to ensure that a co-inductive hypothesis is used correctly. That is, to ensure the co-inductive hypothesis can only be used to establish results about recursive calls to the co-inductive predicate to which co-induction is applied. This is best understood through an example.

Suppose we want to reason about a labeled transition system. As a simple example, we will take the following system.

labeled transition system

We assume that the rules of this system are encoded in a predicate step P A Q which holds if we can move from state P to state Q via the label A. The exact definition is therefore,

Define step p0 a p0.
Define step q0 a q0.
Define step q0 b q1.

Suppose we want to show that the state q0 can simulate, or always act like, the state p0. We formalize this notion in the following co-inductive definition of sim P Q, which holds when P is simulated by Q.

CoDefine sim P Q :=
  forall A P', step P A P' -> exists Q', step Q A Q' /\ sim P' Q'.

Now when we are conducting a proof of sim p0 q0 we will begin by applying the coinduction tactic which results in the following proof state.

  CH : sim p0 q0 +
   sim p0 q0 #

The restriction + on CH means that it cannot match any goal unless that goal also has the + restriction. The # on the goal indicates that when this goal is unfolded, the recursive calls will be tagged with +. The next step in the proof is to apply the unfold tactic which results in the following.

  CH : sim p0 q0 +
   forall A P', step p0 A P' -> exists Q', step q0 A Q' /\ sim P' Q' +

Notice that the recursive call sim P' Q' is tagged with + thus it will be able to match with CH when the search tactic is eventually used. Before we can apply search, however, we must apply the intros tactic and then consider all possible cases for step p0 A P'. The only case is when A is a and P' is p0, which results in the following state.

  Variables: A, P'
  CH : sim p0 q0 +
   exists Q', step q0 a Q' /\ sim p0 Q' +

The proof is then finished by the search tactic which will pick Q' as q0 and deduce step q0 a q0 and sim p0 q0, by matching the latter with CH.

Duality with inductive restrictions

There is a duality between inductive and co-inductive restrictions:


To use a lemma, prove it as a theorem and then refer to it by name in another proof using the apply tactic. For example,

Theorem my_lemma : ...

Theorem my_theorem : ...
apply my_lemma to H3 H5.

Mutual Induction

Abella supports mutual induction on specification judgments. We will illustrate this ability using the following specification.

nat z.
nat (s X) :- nat X.

even z.
even (s X) :- odd X.
odd (s X) :- even X.

Suppose we want to show that everything recognized by even is also recognized by nat, and similarly for odd. Although, in this case, these results could be established independently, we will use mutual induction. In order to do this, we state a single theorem which is the conjunction of the mutually recursive theorems we want to prove.

Theorem even_odd_nat :
  (forall X, {even X} -> {nat X}) /\
  (forall X, {odd X} -> {nat X}).

We can now call the induction tactic and pass it an induction argument for each of the mutually recursive theorems. In this case we have two such theorems and we want to induct on the first argument in each. Thus we call induction on 1 1. which results in the following.

  IH : forall X, {even X}* -> {nat X}
  IH1 : forall X, {odd X}* -> {nat X}
   (forall X, {even X}@ -> {nat X}) /\ (forall X, {odd X}@ -> {nat X})

We now have an inductive hypothesis for each of the mutually recursive theorems, and these inductive hypotheses share the same inductive restriction. At this point we can call split and proceed to handle each of the two sub-theorems individually. The complete proof script is as follows.

induction on 1 1. split.
  intros. case H1.
    apply IH1 to H2. search.
  intros. case H1.
    apply IH to H2. search.

Finally we may find it useful to state our theorems independently so they are easier to apply as lemmas. Thus we may state

Theorem even_nat : forall X, {even X} -> {nat X}.

And we can prove this by using apply with the mutual induction version. We apply it to no arguments, which has the effect of just introducing the lemma as a hypothesis. Thus the full proof is as follows.

apply even_odd_nat. search.

Alternatively, we can use the Split command to directly split the theorem.

Split even_odd_nat as even_nat, odd_nat.

This automatically creates and proves the following theorems:

Theorem even_nat : forall X, {even X} -> {nat X}.
Theorem odd_nat : forall X, {odd X} -> {nat X}.

Apply with Unknowns

The apply tactic allows you to leave some arguments unspecified by replacing them with an underscore. For example, in this type uniqueness development we at one point have roughly the proof state,

  Variables: L, E, T1, T2, U, R, T, U'
  IH : forall L E T1 T2, ctx L -> {L |- of E T1}* -> {L |- of E T2} ->
         T1 = T2
  H1 : ctx L
  H4 : {L, of n1 T |- of (R n1) U}*
  H5 : {L, of n1 T |- of (R n1) U'}
   arrow T U = arrow T U'

Now we would like to apply IH to H4 and H5, but for this we would need a hypothesis which says ctx (of n1 T :: L). We could assert this hypothesis and the proof of it would follow from ctx L. Another option is to say apply IH to _ H4 H5. The prover will then guess what needs be proved for the unknown hypothesis and attempt to prove it using search. If this fails, the current subgoal will be delayed and the unknown hypothesis will become the current goal.

Specification Modularity

Specification modularity is available in Abella via the declarations accum_sig and accumulate. The following example shows how a specification of evaluation called eval might be based on a specification of terms called terms.
sig eval.

accum_sig terms.

type  eval    tm -> tm -> o.
module eval.

accumulate terms.

eval zero zero.
Restriction: If the module Ext accumulates the module Base, then the signature Ext must accum_sig the signature Base.

Compilation and Importing

It is possible to compile Abella theorem files so that they may be imported by other theorem files. This allows some degree of modularity and prevents possibly expensive re-checking of theorems in a large development.

Theorem files can be compiled using the -c command line flag as follows.

% abella foo.thm -c foo.thc -o foo.out

This compiles the definitions and theorems in foo.thm into the file foo.thc, while redirecting the normal Abella output foo.out. This thc file can now be included in another theorem file using Import command as follows.

Import "foo".

In order for development Ext to import development Base:

Emacs Support (ProofGeneral)

Currently there is a fork of ProofGeneral which supports Abella. To get it working, you need to make sure that you have no other versions of ProofGeneral installed (conflicts may occur and the commands will not work properly for Abella files) and checkout the abella branch of this repository.

git clone https://github.com/abella-prover/PG
cd PG
git checkout abella

It is advised to run git pull every now and then to keep it updated. Then, edit your ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el file and add the following:

(defconst proof-site-file
  (expand-file-name "path/to/PG/generic/proof-site.el"))
(defconst lprolog-file
  (expand-file-name "path/to/PG/abella/lprolog.el"))

(defmacro delete-mappings (alist key)
  `(while (assoc ,key ,alist)
     (setq ,alist (delq (assoc ,key ,alist) ,alist))))

(when (file-exists-p proof-site-file)
  (delete-mappings auto-mode-alist "\\.thm\\'")
  (setq proof-splash-enable nil)
  (setq proof-three-window-enable nil)
  (setq proof-three-window-mode-policy 'horizontal)
  (setq proof-output-tooltips nil)
  (load-file proof-site-file))

(when (file-exists-p lprolog-file)
  (autoload 'lprolog-mode lprolog-file "Major mode for Lambda Prolog" t)
  (delete-mappings auto-mode-alist "\\.mod\\'")
  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mod\\'" . lprolog-mode))
  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.sig\\'" . lprolog-mode)))

The paths on the second and fourth lines should be modified accordingly.

Proof navigation

Once everything is set up, you can open Emacs and load a thm file. Note that ProofGeneral will not work on Emacs in terminal mode (i.e., do not execute Emacs with the -nw option) because the key binding C-RET is not recognized by most terminal emulators.

When a command is executed, you will see the result in a new buffer on the right side of the screen.

Some basic commands for proof navigation are:

For more information on ProofGeneral, please check its user manual.