Bisimilarity-up-to for CCS


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%%% For more details, please see the paper:
%%%   "A lightweight formalization of the meta-theory of
%%%   bisimulation-up-to" by K. Chaudhuri, M. Cimini, and
%%%   D. Miller, 2014

%%% Action prefixes

Kind name,action type.

Type tau          action.
Type up,dn        name -> action.

%%% The following definition characterizes actions.

Define is_action : action -> prop by
  is_action tau
; is_action (up N)
; is_action (dn N).

%%% Processes

Kind proc type.

Type null         proc.
Type plus,par     proc -> proc -> proc.
Type act          action -> proc -> proc.
Type repl         proc -> proc.

%%% The following definition allows us to reason by induction on the
%%% structure of processes.

Define is_proc : proc -> prop by
  is_proc null
; is_proc (plus P Q) := is_proc P /\ is_proc Q
; is_proc (par P Q)  := is_proc P /\ is_proc Q
; is_proc (act A P)  := is_action A /\ is_proc P
; is_proc (repl P)   := is_proc P.

%%% The steps of the labelled transition system for CCS

Define one : proc -> action -> proc -> prop by
  one (act A P) A P
; one (plus P1 P2) A Q             := one P1 A Q
; one (plus P1 P2) A Q             := one P2 A Q
; one (par P Q) A (par P1 Q)       := one P A P1
; one (par P Q) A (par P Q1)       := one Q A Q1
; one (repl P) A (par (repl P) Q)  := one P A Q
; one (par P Q) tau (par P1 Q1)    :=
    exists X, one P (up X) P1 /\ one Q (dn X) Q1
; one (par P Q) tau (par P1 Q1)    :=
    exists X, one P (dn X) P1 /\ one Q (up X) Q1
; one (repl P) tau (par (repl P) (par Q R)) :=
    exists X, one P (up X) Q /\ one P (dn X) R.

%%% The bisimulation-up-to relation.

CoDefine bisim_up_to : (proc -> proc -> proc -> proc -> prop) ->
                     proc -> proc -> prop
  bisim_up_to Tech P Q :=
     (forall A P1, one P A P1 ->
        exists Q1, one Q A Q1 /\
          exists P2 Q2, Tech P1 P2 Q1 Q2 /\ bisim_up_to Tech P2 Q2)
  /\ (forall A Q1, one Q A Q1 ->
        exists P1, one P A P1 /\
          exists P2 Q2, Tech P1 P2 Q1 Q2 /\ bisim_up_to Tech P2 Q2).

%%% The reflexivity "technique"

Define refl_t : proc -> proc -> proc -> proc -> prop by
  refl_t P P Q Q.

Define is_sound : (proc -> proc -> proc -> proc -> prop) -> prop by
  is_sound Tech := forall P Q, bisim_up_to Tech P Q -> bisim_up_to refl_t P Q.

%%% The ordinary bisimilarity

CoDefine bisim : proc -> proc -> prop by
  bisim P Q := bisim_up_to refl_t P Q.

%%% Bisimilarity is an equivalence

Define symmetric_rel : (proc -> proc -> prop) -> prop by
  symmetric_rel Rel := forall P Q, Rel P Q -> Rel Q P.

Theorem bisim_symmetric : symmetric_rel (bisim_up_to refl_t).

Theorem bisim_symmetric_ : forall P Q, bisim_up_to refl_t P Q -> bisim_up_to refl_t Q P.

Define transitive_rel : (proc -> proc -> prop) -> prop by
  transitive_rel Rel := forall P Q R, Rel P Q -> Rel Q R -> Rel P R.

Theorem bisim_transitive : transitive_rel (bisim_up_to refl_t).

Theorem bisim_transitive_ : forall P Q R,
  bisim_up_to refl_t P Q ->
  bisim_up_to refl_t Q R ->
  bisim_up_to refl_t P R.

Define reflexive_rel : (proc -> proc -> prop) -> prop by
  reflexive_rel Rel := forall P, Rel P P.

Theorem bisim_reflexive : reflexive_rel (bisim_up_to refl_t).

Theorem bisim_reflexive_ : forall P, bisim_up_to refl_t P P.

Define equiv_rel : (proc -> proc -> prop) -> prop by
  equiv_rel R := reflexive_rel R /\ symmetric_rel R /\ transitive_rel R.

Theorem bisim_equiv : equiv_rel (bisim_up_to refl_t).