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%%% par and nu contexts are substitutive

Define inv : proc -> proc -> prop by
  inv P Q := bisim_up_to refl_t P Q
; inv (par P1 Q1) (par P2 Q2) := inv P1 P2 /\ inv Q1 Q2
; inv (nu P) (nu Q) := nabla x, inv (P x) (Q x).

Define bisim_inv : proc -> proc -> prop by
  bisim_inv P Q :=
     (forall L P1, one P L P1 ->
        exists Q1, one Q L Q1 /\
            inv P1 Q1)
  /\ (forall X P1, oneb P (dn X) P1 ->
        exists Q1, oneb Q (dn X) Q1 /\
          forall N, inv (P1 N) (Q1 N))
  /\ (forall X P1, oneb P (up X) P1 ->
        exists Q1, oneb Q (up X) Q1 /\
          nabla x, inv (P1 x) (Q1 x))
  /\ (forall L Q1, one Q L Q1 ->
        exists P1, one P L P1 /\
            inv P1 Q1)
  /\ (forall X Q1, oneb Q (dn X) Q1 ->
        exists P1, oneb P (dn X) P1 /\
          forall N, inv (P1 N) (Q1 N))
  /\ (forall X Q1, oneb Q (up X) Q1 ->
        exists P1, oneb P (up X) P1 /\
          nabla x, inv (P1 x) (Q1 x)).

Theorem inv_bisim_inv : forall P Q, inv P Q -> bisim_inv P Q.
induction on 1. intros. case H1. Bis1 : case H2. unfold. intros. apply Bis1 to H3. case H5. search. intros. apply Bis2 to H3. witness Q2. split. search. intros. apply H5 with N = N. case H6. apply bisim_eq_2R to H7 H8. apply bisim_eq_1R to H10 H9. search. intros. apply Bis3 to H3. witness Q2. split. search. intros. case H5. search. intros. apply Bis4 to H3. case H5. search. intros. apply Bis5 to H3. witness P2. split. search. intros. apply H5 with N = N. case H6. apply bisim_eq_2R to H7 H8. apply bisim_eq_1R to H10 H9. search. intros. apply Bis6 to H3. witness P2. split. search. intros. case H5. search. apply IH to H2. apply IH to H3. PPInv1 : case H4. QQInv1 : case H5. unfold. intros. case H6. apply PPInv1 to H7. witness par Q3 Q2. split. search. search. apply QQInv1 to H7. witness par P2 Q3. split. search. search. case H7. apply PPInv2 to H8. apply QQInv1 to H9. witness par (Q3 Y) Q4. split. search. apply H11 with N = Y. search. apply PPInv1 to H8. apply QQInv2 to H9. witness par Q3 (Q4 Y). split. search. apply H13 with N = Y. search. case H7. apply PPInv2 to H8. apply QQInv3 to H9. witness nu y\ par (Q3 y) (Q4 y). split. search. apply H11 with N = n1. search. apply PPInv3 to H8. apply QQInv2 to H9. witness nu y\ par (Q3 y) (Q4 y). split. search. apply H13 with N = n1. search. intros. case H6. apply PPInv2 to H7. witness y\ par (Q3 y) Q2. split. search. intros. apply H9 with N = N. search. apply QQInv2 to H7. witness y\ par P2 (Q3 y). split. search. intros. apply H9 with N = N. search. intros. case H6. apply PPInv3 to H7. witness y\ par (Q3 y) Q2. split. search. intros. search. apply QQInv3 to H7. witness y\ par P2 (Q3 y). split. search. intros. search. intros. case H6. apply PPInv4 to H7. search. apply QQInv4 to H7. search. case H7. apply PPInv5 to H8. apply QQInv4 to H9. witness par (P3 Y) P4. split. search. apply H11 with N = Y. search. apply PPInv4 to H8. apply QQInv5 to H9. witness par P3 (P4 Y). split. search. apply H13 with N = Y. search. case H7. apply PPInv5 to H8. apply QQInv6 to H9. witness nu y\ par (P3 y) (P4 y). split. search. apply H11 with N = n1. search. apply PPInv6 to H8. apply QQInv5 to H9. witness nu y\ par (P3 y) (P4 y). split. search. apply H13 with N = n1. search. intros. case H6. apply PPInv5 to H7. witness y\ par (P3 y) Q1. split. search. intros. apply H9 with N = N. search. apply QQInv5 to H7. witness y\ par P1 (P3 y). split. search. intros. apply H9 with N = N. search. intros. case H6. apply PPInv6 to H7. witness y\ par (P3 y) Q1. split. search. search. apply QQInv6 to H7. witness y\ par P1 (P3 y). split. search. search. apply IH to H2. Inv1 : case H3. unfold. intros. case H4. apply Inv1 to H5. search. intros. case H4. apply Inv2 to H5. witness y\ nu x\ Q2 x y. split. search. intros. apply H7 with N = N. search. intros. case H4. apply Inv1 to H5. witness Q2. search. apply Inv3 to H5. witness y\ nu x\ Q2 x y. split. search. search. intros. case H4. apply Inv4 to H5. search. intros. case H4. apply Inv5 to H5. witness y\ nu x\ P2 x y. split. search. intros. apply H7 with N = N. search. intros. case H4. apply Inv4 to H5. witness P2. search. apply Inv6 to H5. witness y\ nu x\ P2 x y. search.
Theorem bisim_inv_bisim : forall P Q, bisim_inv P Q -> bisim_up_to refl_t P Q. Theorem bisim_par_subst_1 : forall P Q R, bisim_up_to refl_t P Q -> bisim_up_to refl_t (par P R) (par Q R). Theorem bisim_par_subst_2 : forall P Q R, bisim_up_to refl_t P Q -> bisim_up_to refl_t (par R P) (par R Q). Theorem bisim_nu_subst : forall P Q, (nabla x, bisim_up_to refl_t (P x) (Q x)) -> bisim_up_to refl_t (nu P) (nu Q).